Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 234 I’ll Reason with You

As soon as Tesla lost his purse on the counter, he wanted to get ahold of the sickle.

When David saw this, he quickly snatched the sickle away and said: “Hey, you want to take it away before the price has settled?”

Tesla pointed to the purse on the counter: “100 magic crystals is absolutely a fair market price.”

This sickle, which depicts a sharpened edge magic pattern, is indeed worth about 100 magic crystals on the market for similar weapons. However, sickles are unpopular weapons so the price may be even lower. So when Tesla stated 100 magic crystals, David’s face showed some hesitation at the offer.

He really doesn’t want to sell anything in the shop to these two people in front of him. If anything else comes up, it can be easily solved since these two weapons belong to Angel. Most importantly, Angel stood on the side in case anything were to happen.

“Why, do you think the offer is too low? Then, are you selling it to them?” Tesla points to Forsa and Lafitte.

Forsa’s face was expressionless, but his eyes were still fixed on the tang knife held in Tesla’s hand.

“Do you want to sell it or not? My price is absolutely reasonable!” Tesla stretched out his finger and tapped the table, making a thumping sound.

David hesitated before finally slowly putting the sickle on the counter.

Queena smiled and gave Tesla a wink. Tesla leered at Forsa and said: “See? If you had money, you could also reason like me. If you have no money, don’t stand in the way and be an eyesore here.”

Queena gave an angry-sounding cry: “Come on, why are you talking so much to these people? Elder brother Naru is still waiting for us.”

Tesla said: “Okay, okay, we’ll take it and go.”

Tesla felt he was in control of the whole venue, and that no one dared to refute his claim. The two commoners could only look on angrily but dared not speak back, and the clerk on the other side of the counter could only make the exchange of money for the weapon.

What are values? Money is value.

He had the money and could even get news from the BarButterfly Bar earlier than others.

With his money, he can even request the BarButterfly Bar to announce the news at a later date.

Tesla slowly stretched out his hand—just to let everyone see his movements—then he reached out to pick up the sickle… Why, why couldn’t he lift it up?

Tesla looked down and saw another hand already on the sickle. It was a hand that looked very youthful from just the back. From the colour of the nails and the shape. This hand simply pressed on the sickle to block Tesla from bringing it away.

Tesla looked up and saw the owner of this hand as a teenager he had never noticed before.

“Commoner, let go of my hand.” Tesla said coldly.

At this moment, everyone in the store focused on… Angel standing beside David.

“Now aren’t you rich?” Angel suddenly raised his head and looked at Tesla with a slight smile. His handsome face seemed to have its own halo as he said: “Then I’ll Reason with You.”

Angel made everyone’s heart pound.

In particular, Forsa had a hint of joy in his expression as he questioned: Is Angel standing up for me?

Queena raised her eyebrow, placed her finger on Tesla’s chest and gently traced his chest as she said: “Handsome little brother, do you want to reason with Tesla for it? I’m afraid his ‘reason’ will be too big for you to imagine.” With her metaphorical words, her fingers slowly fell from Tesla’s chest and finally gently reached Tesla’s lower abdomen. When her fingers rested, she also made provocative movements with her hand which were full of unspeakable implications.

Tesla sneered and said: “Since you want to reason with me, then I’ll reason with you.”

Tesla loosened his grip on the sickle and said: “Go ahead, tell me how much you’ll offer? Let me see who is more reasonable in the end!”

Angel’s expression remained unchanged as he points to the tang knife in Tesla’s other hand and said: “Let’s not talk about this sickle for the time being. Let’s talk about the knife first.”

Tesla was stupefied for a moment, but then he began to laugh and said: “I thought you would offer up a big price to ‘scare’ me. So you originally wanted to reason by bargaining? Well, I’ll give you a chance.”

Angel took the tang knife in Tesla’s hand. Tesla frowned but didn’t stop him. He wants to see what this teenager, who pretends to play the fool, was going to do.

But in the next second, Angel’s action suddenly made Tesla’s eyes widen.

Because after Angel had grabbed the tang knife out of his hand, he didn’t look back at him at all and directly threw it to Forsa in front of everyone.

Forsa rushed to seize the tang knife and looked at the recovered tang knife with a dazed expression on his face.

“What is the purpose? Are you commoners helping each other?” Tesla said sarcastically.

Angel softly said: “I’m being reasonable.”

“What reason? What’s your offer?” Tesla asked.

Angel looked at Tesla with a smile. David, who had been watching everything unfold from the sidelines also smiled and reached over Angel’s shoulder: “Does this guy have no ears? He can’t even seem to understand what you’ve said. He said he’s reasoning with you, isn’t that right?!”

David’s derision made Tesla look on gloomily, and it was only then that he had reacted. The young man opposite had given him reasons he didn’t understand.

“So, are you standing up for them?” Tesla asked.

“Of course not. I’m not standing up for him. I’m just being reasonable.” Angel stretched out his hand toward Forsa: “Tang knife for 15 magic crystals.”

Forsa was still in a daze, but this doesn’t hinder his movements. He quickly pulls out the 15 magic crystals and puts them in Angel’s palm. Now since he has got the knife in hand, he won’t let it go.

After Angel received the magic crystals in full view of the public, he took out two magic crystals from the magic crystal pile and handed them to David. He then proceeds to put the rest of the magic crystals in his pocket.

“What is the meaning of this?!” Tesla’s face was sullen as if he were overflowing with water from overthinking.

“I am trying to show my reason to you. They came first and you came later. We have promised to sell the tang knife to him. No matter how much you offer to pay, I will keep my promise to them first. That is the reason.” Angel said plainly.

Tesla ignored Angel and looked at David and asked: “Can an outsider make a decision for the seller?”

David’s response to Tesla was just a shrug of the shoulder as he looked as if it had nothing to do with him.

“Are 20 magic crystals too few for you? So the commoners are uniting to fight against me? Ha ha.” Tesla sarcastically said to David: “You’re a small clerk, aren’t you? If Master Promi knew you were so negligent in your duties, I’m guessing you’d be fired immediately from your clerk position.”

“Fired? Of course not.” Suddenly, a strong deep voice came from the door.

When they looked back, they saw a middle-aged man in a luxurious purple wizard robe coming in at a leisurely pace.

“Master Promi!” Forsa saw the “target elder brother” appear and immediately wanted to grab his thigh.

“Master Promi…” Tesla looked stunned. He just said it casually, but how could he expect Master Promi to really come?

Angel silently said: “Speak of the devil and he will arrive. This is good timing to arrive.”

Although Promi didn’t understand what was going on with so many people in the shop, he heard what Tesla said.

David’s recent performance has been very outstanding. When he taught alchemy to David this week, he found David’s alchemy thinking wasn’t constrained or rigid but had a firm foundation on the path of alchemy. This made Promi very satisfied with David. What’s more, there is his relationship with Angel, how could he consider firing David?

“Master.” David said as he welcomed Promi in.

Promi’s sudden unannounced arrival and David’s performance severely slapped Tesla in the face. The expression on his face was slightly awkward at this time. But considering what had happened just transpired, he felt he had done nothing wrong. Also, the young man had pocketed those magic crystals. If Promi knew about this, he would certainly not remain partial any longer. His mind became a little rigid towards this line of reasoning.

“What happened?” As Promi’s voice fell and as David was about to explain. Forsa and Lafitte scrambled to explain the matter word for word.

After hearing about what happened, Promi didn’t show any expression on his face. But in his heart, he still agreed with what Tesla said. However, since Angel wants to confront him, he will certainly not offer any help to the enemy. Isn’t it just an alchemy weapon? No big deal, he can practice and refine another one.

Promi obviously doesn’t know the tang knife wasn’t made by him.

Promi was about to comment and help Angel crush Tesla. But Tesla forestalled him by saying: “Master Promi, after the teenager gave the weapon to these two. He gave only two magic crystals to the clerk, and he pocketed the rest for himself. It is precisely because of such conduct that I have expressed my views just now.”

In front of Promi, Tesla doesn’t show his disdain of “commoners” which shows his ability to see where the wind blows at the helm. It seems he is very proficient in business and politics.

After listening to this, Promi looked at Forsa and wanted to hear evidence from another perspective. Forsa hesitated and nodded slightly before explaining.

“This…” Promi also doesn’t know what to say as he thought: If Angel wanted to get magic crystal, there were many ways. Why use these means and also in full view of the public? Hmm… Why don’t I listen to Angel’s testimony first?

Seeing Promi’s reaction, Tesla felt triumphant.

At this time, Angel said: “I haven’t finished my reason just now, but let’s move onto the question of what first come, first served means?”

Tesla snorted at his words and pointed to Forsa: “Why don’t you ask him if he’d abide by the reason if he were the “late arrival” or if he had the money?”

Forsa was once again pointed out as the target of discussion. With this, he decided to lie in a fetal position and cry in his heart. After all, Angel is trying to helping him. Even if what Tesla said was true, he will never admit it.

At once, Forsa shook his head firmly and yelled: “I will! I would abide by the principle of first come, first served!”

Even though Forsa’s expression looked sincere, no one present had believed what he had just said, including Angel.

But Angel went and said: “Of course, what you’ve just said is natural and reasonable. I believe Forsa would never be so reasonable if he had the money.”

Forsa looked startled at Angel and expressed with his face: My brother, I am only helping you prove your reason! Why, why are you tearing me down?

Angel even shocked Tesla. He had intended to taunt Forsa with a few words but was speechless at this time.

Angel continued by stating: “You are unreasonable, Forsa is unreasonable, and so both of you are equally unreasonable.”

“But it doesn’t matter, because I am reasonable!” Angel smiled and seemed give an expression of: I don’t care whether you are reasonable or not, as long as I am reasonable.

Tesla gave a cold hum as he said: “What’s the use of your reason? Do you think you have the same ability as Master Promi?”

Angel shook his head and said: “I naturally don’t have the same ability as Master Promi.” Angel continues by pointing to the tang knife in Forsa’s hands as he said: “But I’m qualified to reason with this knife.”

“What makes you qualified?!” Tesla demanded.

“Just because this knife is mine!” Angel exclaimed.

When Angel said this statement very forcefully, everyone else was stunned besides David.

Even Promi took a second look at the knife. When he saw the style of the knife, he silently wiped a cold sweat from his forehead and thought: Fortunately, I didn’t forcefully interrupt his speech just now. Otherwise, I would’ve been too humiliated! I thought the alchemy weapon sold was one of the ones I had refined!

Tesla was choked by Angel’s words. If this is true… As Angel states, this knife originally belongs to him, then he naturally has ownership over the tang knife.

I don’t care if you are unreasonable as long as I am reasonable. Only he can say this sentence.

When Tesla saw that David didn’t refute, nor did Master Promi, his heart thumped. Looks like… This knife was really made by him…

Looking back in retrospect, when the clerk received only two magic crystals, he didn’t protest at all. Wasn’t this a sign? Tesla thought.

Tesla also didn’t know what to say at this time, his face flushed with shame. All his words and actions just now seemed very shameful.

As Tesla was trying to find a seam in the ground to drill into, Angel’s voice came into his ears again.

Angel only picked up the sickle on the table and looked at Tesla as he said with a smile: “My reasoning is over. Now, it’s time to hear your reason.”

Angel hands the sickle over to Tesla.

“I hope your reason is strong enough to persuade me to sell this sickle to you. By the way, I almost forgot to mention, this sickle is actually mine as well.” Angel said.

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