“Angel!” Forsa greeted him while smiling and said: “We are predestined friends who can meet each other twice in a row. Are you here to learn alchemy from Master Promi?”

As Forsa spoke on, Lafitte also piled a greeting with a smile: “Good afternoon, Angel.”

The sudden release of goodwill from Forsa last time left Angel somewhat confused and wondering whether it was all an act. No matter whether they had other goals in mind or not, since the other party’s attitude is cordial, he can’t afford to be rude.

“Good afternoon, you two.” Angel said: “I’m here to just look for Master Promi. Hearing what both of you just said, did Master Promi really start accepting disciples recently?”

After Angel finished speaking, he looked at David. The latter was confused and thought: Why hadn’t I heard anything about this?

“Don’t you know already? Recently, it has been rumoured outside that Master Promi is interested in accepting new disciples. This is why he has been staying at the alchemy shop for a week, it was in order to find an excellent disciple.” Forsa said.

There was a flash of insight on David’s face: “There may have been people who have come to pay homage to my master from time to time. Before, I didn’t care about it. No wonder there were more people visiting teacher this past couple of days. It turns out someone is spreading rumours.”

“Was this a rumour?” Forsa and Lafitte looked at David with surprise.

Lafitte’s face flashed a blank expression: “Is this really a rumour? Then Lord Blackjack…”

Forsa “coughed” twice, interrupting Lafitte’s next words. Then he turned around and smiled as he said: “Lord Blackjack asked us to come and buy the alchemy weapon, the thin sword which the Lord saw last week.”

“A knife!” Lafitte corrected.

“Oh, a knife. Right, it’s a knife.” Forsa repeated.

David locked the shop when they went to eat at noon. Now, David opened the shop door and pointed to Forsa and Lafitte as he said: “You two, wait outside first. Angel and I will go in and tidy up some things.”

Forsa and Lafitte know when to advance and retreat. With the support of Blackjack that day, their arrogance had soared. But now with just the two of them, they naturally dare not refute.

After Angel had entered the shop, David curled his lips and said: “Did you hear what that pockmarked face teenager said” David says hesitantly: “I think Blackjack seems to want to learn from Master. With his arrogant and surly character, Master Promi will probably accept him. However, it’s also quite strange. I remember what Master mentioned on that day, it was of Blackjack never wanting to worship another teacher ah! Why did such an idea suddenly arise within him? Did your words that day make him repent?”

“Who knows?” Angel didn’t care about this. He didn’t think what he said that day could suddenly wake up an unrepentant person. He guessed there were other reasons in play: “Why are you keeping them outside?”

David took the tang knife off the wall and said: “I’m asking you first, do you want to up the price of this knife? If you don’t raise the price, I’ll sell it at the price they are requesting.”

Angel asked David: “Has anything happened this week?”

“What do you mean?” David questioned.

Angel mused for a moment before he said: “Well… For example, some event that would make it reasonable to raise the price of this knife.”

“How can there be such a coincidence in the world? The Frost Moon Channel is such a thing that can be encountered but can’t be asked for!” David said.

Angel replied: “Since the last time, I did say to let them come in a week, then we’ll just have to sell for what they ask for. This thing isn’t worth much anyway.”

“See, I told you. There wasn’t a difference whether you sold it early or late.” David touched his face as he said: “I promised them I would raise the price that day. It looks like I’m going to lose face.”

After confirming it could be sold, David called in the both of them and put the tang knife in front of them as he said to Forsa: “Don’t you want to buy it?” Give me an offer. “

“There is no price increase, right?” Forsa asked with a smile.

David’s face flashed an uneasy expression and said: “Why do you ask so many questions, make an offer, an offer!”

Lafitte’s eyes rolled as he said: “10 magic crystals!”

David slapped the table. Last time they came here, they sent out an offer of 15 magic crystals. Today, they suddenly cut the price. Now he doesn’t want to buy!

Just as David was about to open his mouth to speak, Forsa angrily glared at Lafitte and pulled him behind as he said: “It’s still 15 magic crystals. You must’ve remembered it wrong.”

Forsa was a little anxious to tell him something as he reached Lafitte’s ear.

Forsa whispered to him: “Listen to me. Sometimes, human relations are more important than these five magic crystals. We don’t need to push down the price this time.”

Although Forsa was whispering to Lafitte, Angel and David actually heard what he had said.

David’s face flashed with a smile: “You’re very interesting, fat man. Did you specifically say it loudly enough for me to hear?”

Forsa waved his hands as he said: “I just came to help the eldest brother buy a weapon, there is no other meaning.”

David glanced at Angel, but when he saw Angel’s expression the same as usual, he made up his own mind: “Okay, 15 magic crystals then, this knife is 15 magic crystals…”

Forsa’s face was “under control” as he took out his purse from his pocket and was about to pay.

But at this time, there was a sudden change. A voice came from behind the shop door.

“Wait! I’ll take that sword! I’ll give you 20 magic crystals!” The speaker was a man dressed in a luxurious coat, delicate leather trousers and had a jewelled dagger at his waist. He strode in from the outside of the shop, still panting.

“Where did you jump out from? We’ve already bought this knife!” Lafitte’s face darkened instantly. Before, they said it was impossible for the price to rise. But suddenly, someone jumped out and slapped him across the face.

Forsa also felt that this was too coincidental and thought to himself: Was this guy specially invited by the shop?

Forsa took one look at David and saw that David’s face was normal a moment ago. But when he saw the visitor, his face instantly became gloomy.

It shouldn’t be the case. It seems that there is a feud between the visitor and the clerk. Forsa recalled what the man had said just now. The other party didn’t even know that this wasn’t a sword but a knife. Although he personally didn’t believe it was a knife as well. But since the clerk said it was a knife, then it was a knife. Judging from all the evidence, this wasn’t a scam.

Then why…? When did the price suddenly jump up?! Forsa wondered.

“Commoner, don’t appear before me.” After a sarcastic remark, the visitor came to the counter and threw out a purse: “20 magic crystals, I’ll take it now!”

After that, the luxuriously dressed man took hold of the tang knife.

At this time, Forsa also suddenly pressed to hold the tang knife as well.

“Commoner, what are you doing? Get your hands off me now!” The luxuriously dressed man yelled.

Forsa’s face darkened. Although his opponent’s accomplishments were definitely higher than his. But he promised Lord Blackjack he would take the weapon back at this time.

“The clerk has already promised to sell this to us. Do you know what first come first served means?” When Forsa said this, he also felt very uneasy. He was speaking on the premise that David would support him. If David doesn’t support his argument at this time, then what he said was just meaningless fart.

“Sell it to you? You offered 15 magic crystals while I offer 20, and you haven’t paid, yet I already have. Who do you think the clerk will sell this to?” The luxuriously dressed man said sarcastically.

Forsa also knew this. Even though he is being unreasonable, but the Wizard Plane isn’t known for its reason at all. Therefore, everything depends on David’s attitude.

The two men looked to David at the same time, but David’s face was filled with uncertainty at this time, and his own heart was also very contradictory.

This knife can sell for 20 magic crystals, which will definitely bring a lot of profit… But this luxuriously dressed man was the one who stood beside Crazy Demon Blade, Naru, in BarButterfly Bar. In fact, the dispute between him and Naru wasn’t a big deal, and he wasn’t injured at all. In another day or two, he will probably end up forgetting about the encounter. However, it hasn’t been long since the incident took place. David’s resentment was still at its peak. So, at first sight of this person, he naturally hated him.

However, even if he hates the person opposite to him, he doesn’t hate money! Moreover, this knife still belongs to Angel. Even if he wants to show an expression of disgust against this luxuriously dressed man. He should consider the feelings of the true owner of this knife who was still nearby.

David hadn’t spoken this whole time, so Forsa’s expression became somewhat embarrassed.

The luxuriously dressed man pushed Forsa away and said: “Do you know what the highest bidder means? It only means those who have no money will try to use reason and put all their hopes another’s moral value. Yes, I’m referring to you, commoner.”

“As long as one has money, it’s a complete joke to use reason against others.” The luxuriously dressed man said.

The luxuriously dressed man’s words went straight into Forsa’s heart. Before he entered the Wizard Plane, he had been the son of an economic minister in a mortal country. He was never short of money but was very sensitive to money. At that time, his idea was almost exactly the same as this man in front of him. Now that he is in the Wizard Plane and has no money, he expects to use “reason.”

Forsa blushed as Lafitte angrily glared at the luxuriously dressed man.

“What? Do you think what I said was wrong? If you have the money, you can also raise the price.” The luxuriously dressed man said.

“You!” Lafitte’s face was furious, but Forsa quickly grabbed him. They only brought out 15 magic crystals, and he and Lafitte have done many tasks recently. Although they have some savings, they can’t even bring together 5 magic crystals between the two of them.

The luxuriously dressed man snorted coldly. At this moment, another person came in through the shop door.

The comer was a woman whose head was bruised and battered, with bandages covering half her face while the other half still looked seductive. A tattered black robe wrapped her body. In fact, the upper half of her robe was still intact, only vaguely revealing the armour the woman was wearing underneath her upper body. The lower half of her robe was a mess, revealing her plump and slender white thighs.

“Tesla, what are you doing? Go and buy the weapon quickly!” The woman swaggers inside while her enchanting figure came to the luxuriously dressed man’s side.

“Queena, let me tell you the funniest joke. This commoner was trying to use reason against me.” Tesla said as he made an expression of disdain.

Queena glanced at Forsa and Lafitte, then at Angel and David. Just as she was about to say something, her eyes were suddenly drawn to a crescent-shaped blade.

“What… what is this?” Queena pointed to the workbench behind David.

Everyone followed along the direction she was pointing and saw the workbench was a mess. It was filled with all kinds of debris. On the workbench floor was filled with debris, there is a glass box containing.—

A crescent blade shining a cold light.


“Little brother, can you take it out and let me have a look?” Queena pointed to the crescent blade.

Queena was also a person who followed Naru just before, and David was still feeling resentment. But eventually, he brought the glass box away from the debris without any expression on his face.

When the glass box was placed on the counter, everyone’s eyes were attracted by the contents in the box.

The glass box contained a short sickle with faint lines on its blade. The crescent they had seen was the blade of this sickle, with a graceful curve giving off a faint blue light. When the blue light reflected against the glass itself, it gave the illusion of watching a crescent moon.

“This is… a ranked alchemy weapon!” When seeing the faint magic pattern on the knife blade, Queena’s eyes flashed a trace of ecstasy!

Every time Promi’s products were launched, countless people would come to grab it. As soon his alchemy weapons enter the market, they will definitely be sold out in a matter of minutes. They never expected to see a ranked alchemy weapon enter their sights, how could they be unhappy with their encounter!

While everyone was still admiring the sickle, Tesla didn’t hesitate to take out a bigger purse than before and throw it on the table as he demanded: “This short sickle! I’ll take it!”

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