Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 235 Your Reason, Not Mine

When Angel said the sickle was also his, Tesla’s hand visibly shook slightly. Then he turned to look at Promi, but all he saw was Promi smiling back at him as he heard:

“This sickle is attached with Sharpened Edge Magic Pattern, which is regarded as a very exemplary enchantment in enchantment alchemy.” Promi explained.

Promi is following the path of blending, which is known to almost everyone in the Underground Market. Therefore, when he pointed out that this work is one of enchantment. He was obviously distancing himself from the sickle.

When Tesla heard Promi’s words, his mind felt a little numb. Suddenly, he felt he shouldn’t have come here today… But at this time, he was having difficulties while riding the tiger. Since he is on the fence with this teenager, Tesla can only clench his teeth and take the loss.

“You are the seller. If you want to sell, sell. You don’t need to give me any more reasons.” Tesla banged the sickle on the counter, making a loud metal clashing sound.

Angel’s expression still remained unchanged as he smiled and calmly said: “Wasn’t it you who wanted to hear my reason? Since I have placed the weapon in the shop, I naturally want to sell it. So, I handed it over to you, didn’t I?”

“Since you want to sell it, why bother talking about it?!” Tesla exclaimed.

“It seems your comprehension ability is poor. I repeat this is Your Reason, Not Mine.” In the face of Tesla’s anger, Angel simply did not care.

“What, from my point of view, aren’t you just playing word games?” Tesla questioned.

When Tesla said these words, Angel directed a disdainful smile at him. David, Forsa and Lafitte gently shook their heads. Even Promi had closed his eyes slightly and could no longer bear to listen anymore.

Before Tesla could comprehend what was going on, Queena leaned into his ear and whispered: “He is asking you to make an offer! Don’t let him get into your head!”

Queena also felt humiliated at this time and couldn’t help urging him: “Aren’t you ashamed? Hurry up, buy it and leave. The boss is still waiting for us.”

It wasn’t until he heard this reminder that Tesla had reacted. As if he had figured out his own reason-money was his reason. If the other party asks him to be reasonable, he is asking him to make a bid.

Recalling how he had just made a fuss about “if you want to sell, sell” Tesla felt his face instantly scorched by lava, and he had begun to feel the burn.

“Tch tch tch, looking at your red cheeks, it seems you also know a little bit about shame. If you don’t even care about the reason, why should you care about shame?” The speaker was Lafitte who was called “commoner” by Tesla so many times today. His accumulated resentment had already been overflowing in his heart. When he saw Tesla being embarrassed, how could he hold his tongue and not mock him?

Tesla was exasperated and glared in a threatening manner as he said: “Commoner, shut your trap, otherwise…”

“Otherwise what?” The speaker wasn’t Lafitte this time, but Promi. His eyes were frosty as he said: “Recently, more and more people have become bolder these days and dared to be presumptuous in my shop. Do you really dare challenge my patience?”

Not mentioning Promi’s identity, Tesla was overwhelmed by his third level apprentice momentum alone, leaving him unable to move.

“Master, I didn’t mean it like that. It was he who satirized me first, and I had only…” Tesla tried to explain.

Promi’s eyes looked on sharply as he said: “You can fight or go against the grain with others as much as you desire. But as long as you dare to do so in my shop, I will let you know how wonderful it is to be alive!”

After being lectured by Promi, Tesla looked a little flustered.

Angel said in a timely manner: “So what’s your reason? If your reason can’t convince me, put the weapon back and get the hell out of here!”

With Angel’s stabbing words, Tesla wanted to angrily refute. But when he heard Promi coldly snort, he wilted again.

As Queena saw the situation unfold, the creases softened on her forehead as she could not bear looking at him any longer.

Tesla calmed himself down and suppressed the smell of gunpowder in his tone as he said: “I’ve already put my money on the counter.”

On the counter, there were two cloth bags, one large and one small. Tesla had previously thrown out his offer of 20 magic crystals for his reason to buy the tang knife. The other bag was another offer he couldn’t wait to throw out, this was another 100 magic crystals of reason to buy the sickle.

Angel picked up the big bag and weighed it in hand as he said: “Not enough. With such little reason, you have left me unconvinced.”

“100 magic crystals is already a fair market price. If you don’t know, then you can ask others. For example, the clerk standing next to you who sells many alchemy weapons. He should know the price of this sickle.” Tesla said.

Angel had previously teased Tesla earlier which made David feel great. But at this point, the conversation had turned to him, leaving him speechless for a long while. There was no problem with what Tesla had said. 100 magic crystals is indeed a fair market price, and this wasn’t even a long-handled sickle, but the less universally used short-handled sickle. Even an offer of 100 magic crystals is still on the higher end of the market for such a weapon.

David did not speak for a long time. Tesla felt that he had regained a little face and felt proud in his heart again. However, because this place is Promi’s shop venue, he dared not reveal his pride again.

“Again in the same sentence, this sickle belongs to me, and your reason must satisfy me.” Angel paused and said: “As for the fair market price, this isn’t an ironclad rule in the Wizard Plane. If you only consider the rise and fall of price fluctuations, they are affected by too many factors.”

At this time, Forsa, the former son of an economics minister in his country, also added: “The relationship between supply and demand in the objective market is the biggest factor affecting price fluctuations. Moreover, artificial manipulation can also be a factor that controls the market price.”

Angel praised Forsa in his mind as he said: “So, don’t talk about your market price. In my mind, your price is not enough for my psychological price.”

Tesla has always followed the path of money, so he is no less sensitive to fluctuations in money than Forsa. He laughed and said: “The premise between the relationship of supply and demand is that if someone is willing to buy. With that, there should be a range of price increase. Your short sickle has reached its peak in the market, and no person is willing to pay more for it.”

“Aren’t you such a person?” Angel asked.

Tesla choked for a moment before replying: “You’re being unreasonable. It’s your honour that I’m willing to bid for this small weapon!”

Angel responded: “So special circumstances require special treatment, right? If there is an urgent demand from someone, I can naturally raise the price. Isn’t this an unspoken rule in the market?”

“If this is what you’re assuming, then you’re wrong. I’m not in urgent need of it.” Tesla refuted.

“Is that right? Then you can go. I will not sell.” Angel doesn’t care whether he sells it or not.

“You!” Tesla originally wanted to have a few words of back and forth, but Angel didn’t follow the script at all. He was only left angry and silent after saying this.

As Tesla was left speechless with anger. Queena, who had been looking on coldly at the situation, finally opened her mouth. She leaned slightly toward Angel, revealing a bit of her ** squeezed out by the armour under her tattered black robe. Then she gave a wink and said: “Little brother, I apologize to you on behalf of Tesla. I can’t stand his character sometimes. Yes, how about I buy this sickle, is that okay?”

“Yes, give me an offer.” Angel said.

Queena’s arms gently squeezed her chest as she seductively asked: “Can 100 magic crystals reach your psychological price?”

As an impulsive hot-blooded teenager around 14 or 15 years old, Queena thinks her posturing was enough to charm Angel. It’s a pity she didn’t know that Angel even ordered Red Butterfly killed. Queena’s coquettish act was completely presented to the wrong object.

“No.” Angel said without hesitation.

Queena’s expression suddenly froze as she instantly converged her coquetry and asked: “Then what is your psychological price?”

Angel stopped dancing around the subject and directly quoted his price: “300 magic crystals.”

When Angel quoted this price, almost everyone looked at Angel in surprise and thought: How dare he set such a price? This is three times higher than the original offer. This is just a regular alchemy product which doesn’t involve any mystical enchantments. Even if this was made by Master, his price would roughly be around this price!

David lamented in his heart that Angel gave a lion’s opening… But he liked such an offer.

“300 magic crystals? Thanks for the opening, you actually don’t want to sell it, do you?” Tesla sneered.

Tesla’s words also followed the psychological line of thought present in others: Obviously, Angel is teasing with them by giving this offer. How could a sickle that has only just entered as a ranked item be priced like this?

“Of course I want to sell. If I don’t sell it, will I leave it as a decoration? As long as you take my offer, then I will definitely sell it.” Angel said.

“But this sickle isn’t worth 300 magic crystals at all, even 100 magic crystals is already a sky-high price!” Tesla exclaimed.

Angel smiled and said: “It isn’t worth it, right? Isn’t your boss, Crazy Demon Blade Naru, waiting for you at Sky Tower?”

When Angel mentions “Sky Tower”, both Tesla and Queena’s pupils contracted slightly.

Queena smiled dryly as she said: “I don’t understand what your meaning is.”

“Is that right? If you don’t understand, then forget it.” Angel puts the sickle back into the glass box as he said: “I believe it will be sold at this price in a few days. What do you think, Tesla?”

Tesla asked in wonder: “What do you know?”

“Weren’t you the one who bought the news? Why ask me?” Angel replied.

“News? What news?” Forsa and Lafitte looked at each other.

Angel smiled and said: “A piece of news that will let me sell this sickle at 300 magic crystals.”

After hearing Angel’s words, Tesla and Queena looked at Angel with some fear: “Who are you? Why do you know about the news?”

Instead of replying, Angel continued asking: “Are you sure you don’t want it? Didn’t you want to take advantage while the news had not spread and buy this at a low price? What, is 300 magic crystals too high?”

Everyone was confused about what Angel was talking about. This news sounded mysterious.

“Or, is a man who reasons with money, doesn’t even have 300 magic crystals?” Angel teased.

Angel’s teasing tone of voice made Tesla blush. He had been so sarcastic with Forsa before, but he ironically hadn’t expected these words to be returned to him in such a short time.

What saddens Tesla most is he really doesn’t have 300 magic crystals. Moreover, 300 magic crystals is already an unbearable price to pay, even for ordinary third level wizard apprentices.

“It seems you are right. They really don’t have 300 magic crystals.” David didn’t know what the news was, but he enjoyed being able to knock down the other party at this time.

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