Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 232 News About Sky Tower

David didn’t doubt him but said: “I see.” After saying this, David’s face was again flushed with joy: “In fact, it was better you didn’t come. Master Promi stayed in the shop this past couple of days and taught me a lot about alchemy. I think I can try and get in touch with basic blending as long as I take the time to digest what I have learned.”

“You are getting exposure to blending? Don’t you want to try enchantment first?” Angel asked.

David shook his head and replied: “I’m afraid after I try enchantment, I’ll never have the motivation to try blending again.”

To the orthodox alchemy wizard. The enchantment method, whether it is magic pattern or magic array enchantments. Is in fact just a timely rain and can only solve the drought for a while. If an alchemy wizard wants a continuous stream, they need to continue studying this alchemy subject further or take the blending route.

David’s devotion to alchemy is like Nausica’s obsession with strength. Even if David knows that Angel is good at enchantment and is likely to teach him well. He still wants to enjoy what he has in the present and not focus on the future.

“What happens when the enchantment method comes to an end?” David lamented to Angel.

David slightly hesitated and asked: “Angel, will you take the blending route in the future?”

After a long moment of silence, Angel answered: “I think so.” Learning enchantment is just a means to make his journey through the initial stages of the wizard path a little safer. If he wants to further study the path of alchemy in the future, he will certainly embark on the path of blending.

After all, 80 percent of the alchemy books recorded from the Nightmare Plane were about blending. If he doesn’t learn it, will he keep them as a decoration?

Hearing Angel’s reply, David smiled brightly: “That’s good, I was afraid you would walk all the way through this dark path! Although, I think enchantment is also very promising. Who made it so there are such few alchemy wizards in the Southern Region of the Wizard Plane?”

After clearly talking through their goals, the words inside and out came out much easier between the two of them.

Angel teased and said: “If you don’t want to learn enchantment, then what’s the point of working with me on alchemy? At present, I can handle enchantment. But my refining method is much worse than yours. I haven’t even learned the Melting and Freezing Art yet.”

“I need to learn your way of thinking.” David pointed to the Chinese kitchen knife on the table and the three other Chinese styled weapons: “Your alchemy ideas are very interesting. These shapes are simple, strange, and their power isn’t bad. This is a very novel way of thinking. Coupled with your Wrist-Mounted Crossbow and the series of design ideas, even Master Promi was amazed!”

“In short, the thoughts in your head are clearly strange. I came here to pick at the thoughts going through your head.” David said.

However, David doesn’t know it wasn’t that Angel’s ideas which was strange. But he was exposed to another civilization’s culture since childhood. Although the Earth’s scientific and technological civilization hasn’t necessarily climbed to the same level as the wizard civilization. Angel has inherited their way of thinking by following the path of science and technology.

At present, Angel actually hasn’t brainstormed any new ideas that can be picked up, but he is still following the wisdom set by his spiritual predecessors. But Angel wasn’t ashamed of this. Being a visionary is certainly a good way of thinking. However, before a person has any experience, they are only considered dreamers if they only have ideas and never implement their ideas.

Only when they have rich experience and more information can the visionary bear the risks and opportunities brought by brainstorming new ideas. With this practice, they can bring ideas to reality.

At present, Angel is in the stage of accumulating more information and experience. He is enriching his own knowledge reserves, studying the knowledge in-depth, and comparing different common-sense beliefs. After accumulating over time, all the fragmentary information will one day be consolidated by some kind of understanding of law. Eventually, this will make up his own foundation of knowledge which he will never lose.

Angel smiled back at David, and then changed the subject in due course: “Since Master Promi isn’t here, why don’t we head straight to Master’s residence directly?”

“No, Master Promi just went back to get something last night. He said he’d come back by today.” David looked at the wall clock and said: “It’s almost noon. I think master should be coming here soon… Why don’t we head to dinner first?”

“Okay, after eating dry food for almost a week. It’s just about the right time for me to go out and grab a bite to eat.” Angel touched his flat belly.

David closed the shop, then mysteriously said to Angel: “I’ll take you to a nice place later. You’ll definitely want to go there again after eating there once!”

David sighed with a painful expression on his face as he said: “It’s just their prices are too high. It costs dozens or even hundreds of contribution point for one person to eat just one meal.”

David’s words aroused Angel’s interest. Despite the fact, he mainly eats dry food to satisfy his hunger. In fact, he also loves eating delicacies. Unfortunately, since Jon’s health has declined, he has rarely eaten meals that have aroused his craving for more food.

He thought David would take him to an elegant and luxurious restaurant, or to a niche snack stand.

But it was neither of them. They went to the most interesting street with a mixed atmosphere in the underground market.

This street is full of dark alleys, both large and small. It isn’t easy to navigate these dark places away from the eternally bright Underground Market. However, the dark alleys here meet all the dark needs. If one casually peers into any of the dark alleys, one can only see how truly deep and dark this place was. Every dark alley is like a huge mouth that eats away at others, scattering a foul and bloody stench.

Angel once blocked the Chloe brothers in a small alley like this.

“Are you sure there’s food sold here?” Angel asked full of doubts.

“En! Believe me, I know this place better than you do!” As David spoke, he greeted several fierce-looking apprentices on the side of the alley. The other side also smiled back, although their smiles looked a bit ferocious.

After another five minutes of walking, David pulls Angel into a small alley.

The alley was getting darker and darker until they reached the end when a little light appeared.

The light came from a signboard inserted across the wall: BarButterfly Bar.

“Bar?” Angel’s brow instantly wrinkled as he thought: Going to the bar at noon? Are you kidding me?

“You know, I don’t drink.” He told Promi the other day he had three years left to go before he reached the legal drinking age by law, which was, in fact, only his excuse. It wasn’t that he didn’t drink, but that he only drank one kind of wine. Pat Manor’s own homemade Milk Wine, which Angel hadn’t touched since he left Grud Town.

“You don’t have to drink here. I’m telling you, we can get barbeque food down here! You’ll know what I’m talking about when you come with me.” David said.

To Angel’s surprise, although Barbie Bar is very remote, it is still quite lively and full of loud voices. Besides, if one wants to enter this bar, they need to get a membership card.

It wasn’t until the two sat in a corner that David ordered a glass of sparkling grass rum and took a big sip before answering his doubts.

“The membership card needs to be paid for by yourself. One magic crystal can pay for a basic iron card, on which there are copper, silver and gold cards included for higher levels. The higher the card level, the higher the dining location and food quality will be.” David handed his membership card to Angel and said: “I have an iron card. With this, I can only eat in the hall, but I can’t order much food.”

Hearing his explanation, Angel kept feeling a sense of familiarity: “Card level system, isn’t this like the Candy House’s system?”

“Do you know about the Candy House?” David’s eyes lit up: “I heard that the chef here is the neighbour of the student who is the common disciple of Lord Gloria and Lord Felicia. So he has always been adhering to the spirit of the Candy House and in the end, inherited its card system.”

After Angel finished listening, he gave a laugh.

Gloria’s Barbie’s Restaurant and Felicia’s Butterfly Bar are the pinnacles of the entire Southern Region’s Gourmet Wizards. The owner here directly mixed the two names of “Barbie” and “Butterfly” by naming their restaurant the “BarButterfly Bar,” the naming sense of which is like an unoriginal copycat.

“So… is the chef a Gourmet Wizard?” Angel asked.

David shook his head and said: “Where would there be so many Gourmet Wizards? Although the chef here isn’t a Gourmet Wizard, the food cooked here tastes quite delicious.”

When a plate of the barbecue was served, Angel was able to get a little taste.

It does taste good.

Angel put aside his initial prejudice because he had tasted the barbecue sauce actually adding milk and honey!

Seeing Angel gulping down the meat, David said triumphantly: “Was I right? It tastes good, doesn’t it?”

Just as the two finished dining and were about to leave. A man dressed in luxurious clothes suddenly rushed out of a booth and whispered breathlessly to a burly fellow with a sword. The burly fellow exclaimed: “Is what you said true?!”

“Yes, it’s been confirmed!” The luxuriously dressed man who rushed out said.

The burly man grabbed the luxuriously dressed man, then took two other people at the same table and hurried out.

Right at this moment, David was standing at the front of the bar. The burly fellow rushes across the bar and shouted: “Get out of the way!”

David was still in a daze as to what was going on when the burly fellow grabbed him by the shoulders and threw him to one side.

David didn’t get hurt, but he couldn’t help swearing.

“Son of a bitch, you wanna die?” The burly fellow turned his head and glared angrily.

David winced and as Angel was about to step forward, the luxuriously dressed man hurriedly said to the burly fellow: “Forget about them. Let’s head back to Sky Tower first and fight a few more matches before the news gets out!”

The burly fellow also thought of the news just now and spat before turning to leave.

Although the spittle didn’t land on David, his face was still pale and blue with a hint of anger.

“Naru…” David muttered under his breath.

As Angel helped David up, he heard him whisper and asked: “What are you talking about?”

“That man is Crazy Demon Blade, Naru! I remember him!” David’s little face was filled with grievance and anger. He wanted to take out a small book to write down his name and curse it a hundred and eighty times a day.

“Why don’t I lend you the Wrist-Mounted Crossbow?” Angel suggested.

“No, when I learn blending, I’ll make a weapon myself!” David said.

“I mean, you can go up and kill him now.” Angel said with a cruel light in his eyes.


On the way back, David said:

“BarButterfly Bar gives another benefit for gold cardholders, which is the sale of news. After listening to the tone of the man just now, he seems to have bought some wonderful news, it seemed to have something to do with Sky Tower…”

“Wonderful News About Sky Tower?” Angel recalls and thought: Is it the news about the Purification Garden?

As Angel was still in thought, they had now arrived at Promi Alchemy Shop.

In front of the shop, two people were sitting on the stairs while whispering as they saw them coming. These people immediately stood up and walked over to greet them with a smile.

“We are really predestined friends… I didn’t expect to meet them again so soon. ” Angel said in a low voice.

The two fat and thin people are professional little brothers, Forsa and Lafitte, whom Angel saw last week.

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