Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate

Chapter 1127 Bittersweet Reunion [Part 1]

Lux appeared inside his home back in the Wildgarde Stronghold.

It was currently empty because his Grandma Vera was currently in Barbatos Academy.

After the battle, the residents had moved back to their homes, because Alexander had informed them that there would be no more invasion from the Abyss after the battle.

Unfortunately, the spread of the Miasma had forced some of the Kingdoms to escape to Elysium.

They used the territories that they had been developing for the past few years in preparation for this day.

Lux looked at the lively stronghold, while hiding his presence.

Now that he was a Saint, it was easier to do it this way. After seeing that the people living in the Stronghold hadn't suffered too many hardships, he left just as silently as he came.

His next destination was Barbatos Academy.

With his current Rank, it didn't take long before he arrived at his destination through flight.

From his vantage point in the sky, his gaze landed on the City of Regulus where Barbatos Academy was located.

He decided to land in the city first, as he prepared his heart for his inevitable meeting with the members of his family.

After hearing that Iris, Cai, and Vera had forgotten about him, Lux felt an ache inside his chest that was hard to describe.

Because of this, he was walking aimlessly, without paying any particular attention to his surroundings.

It was at that moment when he bumped into someone, making that person fall down on the ground.

"I'm sorry!" Lux said as he immediately helped the person whom he had bumped into stand up. "I wasn't paying attention to my surroun…"

Lux wasn't able to finish his words as the shawl covering the young lady's face fell down on the ground.

A pair of beautiful blue eyes looked at him, which took his breath away.

The young lady's long blue hair fluttered as a gust of wind blew past them, making her raise her hand in order to keep it in place.

"Iris," Lux said as he looked at his step-sister and Fiance, who loved him very much.

"Do I know you?" Iris asked as she looked at him with a calm expression on her face.

She was well known in Regulus City because this was where Barbatos Academy stood. In fact, it was almost impossible for someone to not recognize her.

When the two ladies disappeared from his vision, tears started to fall from his eyes.

The people on the streets were looking at him with pity, thinking that he had confessed his feelings to Iris and was rejected by her.

This was a normal occurrence in Regulus City, especially when the blue-haired beauty made her appearance. 

Many teenage boys were trying their luck in order to catch the eye of the Princess of Barbatos Academy, whose father was a Saint.

Lux stayed standing in place for a few minutes before he walked away. 

His vision was blurry, so he just let his feet carry him to any place, as long as it was far from the academy, where the people whom he held dear had forgotten about him.

A few minutes later, Lux found himself sitting on a hill overlooking the City of Regulus.

He was feeling so sad and depressed that he didn't notice that someone had appeared by his side.

"Welcome back, Lux."

The Half-Elf raised his head and saw his Father, Alexander, looking at him with a sad smile on his face.

"I'm glad that you're back with us," Alexander added as he lightly patted the young man's head. "Almost everyone has forgotten about you, but there are people who didn't. Just look over there."

Alexander pointed in a direction where a dense swarm of birds was currently flying.

Cries of alarm erupted from the city, as people saw a young lady with long pink hair, who was avoiding the bird droppings that were raining down on her from the sky.

Running beside her were two little skeletons, who were holding two bone umbrellas to ensure that their Master wouldn't get hit by the vile bird droppings from above.

Zane and Zeke had informed Aurora that Lux had returned to Solais, prompting the young lady to use the Teleportation Gate in Agartha to arrive at Barbatos Academy.

Sensing his presence, Aurora cried out in happiness as tears streamed down her eyes. 

She then opened her wings and flew towards Lux's direction, wishing to be with him as soon as possible.

Alexander knew that the two teenagers needed some time to catch up with each other, so he disappeared from where he stood and returned to Barbatos Academy.

The Saint had tried everything he could to make Iris, Cai, and Vera remember Lux. 

But, for some reason, the three of them would suffer a terrible headache whenever they were about to remember something about him.

Seeing that his methods weren't working, Alexander decided to stop for the time being. 

Now that Lux had returned to Solais, they needed to find a way to get their loved ones to recover their memories, which had been sealed away by the laws that were implemented to prevent Daniel from having his way.

Lux opened his wings and met Aurora mid-air, hugging her tightly. 

Both of them cried bitter tears, as they held each other close.

Finally, after more than a year of separation, the young lady was able to hold her beloved once again, whom she thought she had lost the day after the Abyssal Gates made their appearance in the worlds of Elysium and Solais.

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