Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate

Chapter 1128 Bittersweet Reunion [Part 2]

Zane and Zeke started to unleash an aura of death toward the sky, making all the birds that were targeting Aurora fly away in fear.

Their two Masters had just reunited with each other, and anyone who would dare to try messing with them was the enemies of the two little skeletons.

"Tell me about everything that happened while I was gone," Lux said softly as he held Aurora in a loving embrace. 

Aurora nodded and began her tale about the events that transpired after Lux was sealed in a block of crystal.

She told him how scared she was when she realized that Iris, Cai, and a few of her sisters had completely forgotten about him.

She told him about the destruction that the Abyssal Army had caused to the world of Elysium, and how the Factions of the world were resisting their expansion.

After she finished talking, Lux gave her a bottle of water that she could drink to quench her thirst.

"Currently, Agartha is the only Kingdom left untouched by the war that is happening on the surface," Aurora stated. "But my Father has never lowered his guard and commanded our armies to remain vigilant. He had also placed several scouts on the surface to monitor the movement of the Abyssal Lords."

Lux nodded his head in approval after hearing that the King of Agartha wasn't taking the Abyssal Invasion lightly.

"What about you?" Aurora asked. "Are you hurt anywhere? I really thought that you had died. If not for the fact that Zane and Zeke told me that there was still a chance for you to recover, I might have really thought that you were gone for good."

Lux smiled bitterly before telling Aurora everything that happened to him while he was trapped inside the block of crystal.

Aurora was quite surprised when she learned about Luna, who was apparently Aina's sister in her past life.

"Right," Lux replied as hope returned to his eyes. "I forgot about the Pillars of Eternity. They have the power to bend the laws of the world. With them, we might be able to restore their memories."

Aurora nodded. "But before that, we still need to meet your father at Barbatos Academy. He and Sir Maximilian have retained their memories. I'm sure they have a lot of things that they would like to tell you."

The Half-Elf reluctantly nodded his head, knowing that Aurora was right. Although it would be quite painful to see his two fiances, who had no memories of him, he still needed to talk to his Father and Cai's Grandfather about their progress in the Fynn Kingdom.

"Don't worry," Aurora said as she held Lux's hands. "Until the day they regain their memories, I will not leave your side. I will support you with everything I have, so raise your head, and never lose your way. Only by moving forward can we change things for the better."

Lux smiled before kissing Aurora's forehead. 

"You've gotten a lot better at speaking after a year," Lux commented in a teasing tone. "I wonder, did anything else change?"

Aurora stuck her tongue at the Half-Elf, who was looking at her with a mischievous smile on his face. 

"You'll know about the changes that happened to me tonight," Aurora said. "I'll let you inspect every nook and cranny of my body, so behave for now."

Lux knew that Aurora was doing her best to make him temporarily forget about the pain he was feeling, which he greatly appreciated.

He then stood up and held her like a princess while looking at the academy in the distance.

"Aurora, please don't leave my side like you promised," Lux said. "I might not be able to take it if I lose you as well."

"I will not be going anywhere, I promise," Aurora replied. "So, let's go, Lux. We cannot change anything by standing still."

The Half-Elf nodded and opened the Draconic Wings behind his back.

Their next destination was Barbatos Academy.

The place where he had made many wonderful memories, which he kept in the deepest corners of his heart.

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