Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate

Chapter 1126 Brace Yourself For What I’m About To Say

Two weeks after Lux returned to Solais…

A green cocoon pulsating at the root of the world tree slowly opened, revealing a Half-Elf wearing nothing but his birthday suit.

The young man's eyes fluttered before opening slowly. Half a minute later, he slowly propped himself up from the ground and looked around his surroundings.

'Where am I?' Lux thought. 

Just as he was pondering the answer to this question, a faint breeze blew past him, carrying a familiar voice that made him turn to his right side.

"I'm glad that you're finally awake."

One of the most beautiful women he had seen in all his lives combined appeared in front of him. Lux couldn't help but smile as his Grandmaster, Hereswith, walked toward him with a mischievous expression on her face.

"Grandmaster," Lux greeted as he stood up from the ground.

Hereswith scanned him from head to foot, but her gaze went up a little and stopped at Lux's middle region.

"Is it just me, or has it grown a little bigger than before?" Hereswith muttered. 

The Half-Elf followed his Master's gaze to see what she was looking at, only to find Little Lux standing tall and proud as if asking Hereswith to fight him for two hundred rounds.

He tried to summon a few clothes from his storage ring, but nothing happened. It was at that moment that he realized that his storage rings weren't in his possession, making him frown.

"Looking for these?" Hereswith showed her fingers that wore one ring each. "I took them from you for safekeeping. The World Tree rejects anything that wasn't born from nature.

"Because of its disposition, I had to remove these rings from your body. Only then did the World Tree cover you up in a cocoon, speeding up your recovery. So, how do you feel?"

Lux closed his eyes in order to check whether there were any changes in his body. A moment later, his eyes opened wide, and he looked at his Grandmaster in disbelief.

"I-I am now a Saint," Lux said in disbelief. "How is this possible?"

"The World Tree made it possible," Hereswith replied. "You are a Half-Elf, so that means that you have Elven Blood running through your veins. Because of this, the World Tree acknowledged you as one of its children, granting you a portion of its strength."

"There is also one thing that you need to know," Hereswith stated. "This is just as important as the Abyssal Invasion. This is something that has a greater impact on you as a whole, so brace yourself for what I am about to say."

The beautiful Elf's words sounded ominous, making Lux feel as if she was going to say something really bad.

"Almost everyone in Elysium and Solais forgot about you, including your lovers," Hereswith said. "I'm just letting you know in advance, so you can prepare your heart before seeing them."

Her eyes were filled with worry as she looked at her Grand Disciple, who was looking back at her in disbelief.

"T-They forgot about me?" Lux asked. "All of them?"

"Not all of them," Hereswith replied in an attempt to calm her Grand Disciple, whose face had become as pale as a candle. "Aina, Aurora, Ari, and Aurelia, haven't forgotten about you."

It was at that moment that Maeve's cryptic words flashed inside his mind.

"Master, you ceased to exist."

Those were the words that Maeve told him when he had the premonition of the Abyssal Invasion.

At first, he didn't think much about it, but the words of an Oracle weren't something that could be brushed off so easily.

He had shared his worries with Aurora when the two of them had made love for the first time. Perhaps, it was his way of telling her a possibility that neither of them wanted to happen.

"Master, I have to go," Lux said with a determined look on his face. "I need to go back to Solais."

Hereswith sighed in her heart, but she still nodded her head. She knew that, with or without her permission, Lux would return to his home world to see his family members, who had likely forgotten his existence.

"Lux, remember this," Hereswith said as she gave the Half-Elf a gentle hug. "I'll always be here if you need me. So, don't face things alone, okay?"

"Yes, Master." Lux nodded.

After saying those words, the Half-Elf turned into particles of light that shot toward the sky.

Although his heart was filled with worry, he knew that he had to go back no matter what.

Iris, Cai, Vera, Alexander, and Alicia were several of the people whom he cared for the most. 

Deep inside, he was scared to meet them.

He was afraid that all of them would look at him like he was some stranger whom they were seeing for the first time in their lives.

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