Chapter 98: Chapter 98

Arthur's Point of View


Looking around the area, it appeared as though she had taken care of several Town Guards before I had even arrived. The Upper Rung was devastated as the streets had been destroyed and several other buildings were demolished. Many bodies were sprawled out across the area, but none of them appeared to be dead. Some were stuck under debris or unconscious.

My eyes flickered back to the High Elf whose magic was slowly increasing. To my surprise, it lashed out viciously before covering the mountain. Rushing her, she merely teleported behind me and broke the barrier separating her from the Temple. However, before she could do anything else, I created a wall of stone in front of her.

Using her magic, she easily crushed it while Arceana and Elincia ready to intercept her. "Get away from her!" I shouted at them.

Launching toward the two priestesses, her sword disappeared as she grabbed them both by the head and slammed them into the ground. Magic ignited in her hands as she prepared to cast a spell. Since I was already rushing her, I finally reached and swung my sword low where her arms were. She quickly flew away from me as the priestesses teleported next to me.

They were wounded from that simple attack. Whether it was from them lowering their guard or being caught by surprise didn't matter. I was at a huge disadvantage once again as I felt a throb in my chest where my wounds resided. This was going to be even more difficult since they weren't fully healed yet either.

"I see." The High Elf stated as she looked around the Temple. "It would seem we are done here."

My sister looked at Arthur with a small frown. "Yes. I imagine if he escaped again, this time things would not go as well."

"Leaving him be for the moment would be for the best." I stated, and she nodded.

"Agreed but be prepared for what we discussed. I am not fond of Arthur roaming around so freely and defiantly. We will need to curb these tendencies of his." Arceana whispered before leaving. "I will check on Rudnurth this time. Be careful."

Looking around the area, many were helping clean up the area. Others were casting healing spells and more. However, everyone did the same thing continually. Whether it be servants, curious nobles, town guards, or even a priestesses. All of us continually looked to our Knight with concerned glances since he seemed almost frozen in place. It wasn't until Captain Greigh approached him that he shifted.

Arthur's Point of View


"Are you okay?" Ziah's voice came from my left.

Scowling down, I replied. "Perfect."

Greigh appeared next to her and crossed his arms as he looked to the horizon. "Another Demon?" He inquired softly.

My jaw clenched in anger as I thought about the question. The only person that it could be is Thana, but nothing matched. The wings were wrong, which led me to believe it was someone new this time. Thana appeared just as randomly. Who's to say she was the only other High Elf out there. The fact remained though, if it was her, I needed to start training.

"Something like that." Was all I said in response before leaving the mountain for the second time that day.

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