Chapter 99: Chapter 99

Arthur's Point of View

The Slums Outskirts

I left Elincia and the others to clean up a few days ago. In the meantime, I've been on alert for the last few days in case someone else decides to show up. Ever since coming here, there's been no breaks for me. Deal with stupid shit from the Priestesses and their students. Got transported to the past into a three-year war that ended with me being betrayed. Returned to only deal with more bullshit while still wounded.

My wounds still hadn't closed entirely, but they were doing far better than they were when that mystery High Elf showed herself. Naturally, Augustus and Cassidy were rather worried. While it made me feel thankful for having them around, it didn't change anything in regard to keeping them at a distance. Now, I stood before I giant mansion that looked so out of place it was funny.

My eyebrow twitched as I turned to Elincia. "Please tell me you're joking?"

The Priestess in question gave me a confused look in return. "About what?"

Sighing, my eyes closed in annoyance. "I appreciate the thought behind this, but why?" Opening my eye, I gestured to the mansion. "Why would you build a mansion this size?! This looks like it has over a hundred rooms!"

"As our Knight, it is expected that you will eventually enter into a lordship and become a noble. A Knight is essentially a noble, but without the title. Not to mention you are our highest ranking general." Elincia explained and then smirked as she gazed at the building in a proud manner. "Everything has been made so you have room for any servants, personnel, or other officials you might have in the future."

"I'm not having any of that." I told her with a small frown. "I just wanted a small house..."

"A small house?" Elincia repeated.

"Two bedrooms would've been fine. This is overkill." My words seemed to surprise her.

"You would rather have a small home compared to an estate of this magnitude?"

I sighed and put my hands on my hips as I looked around. "I don't know what you expect me to do, but this place is way too big. I'm probably going to just ignore the wings entirely and live here in the main section." Pointing upstairs where my room was, I continued. "Everything I need is relatively close. Bedroom and the bathroom are connected, and the kitchen is off the side of the main entranceway."

"You just described two rooms in an entire estate." Elincia pointed out in surprise. "That is all you require?"

Shrugging in response, I answered. "It's worked for me so far. I might make an office and make sure there is a living room in case people visit, but yeah. That's pretty much all I needed." Looking around the entranceway and up at a chandelier made me cringe. "Had I known you were doing all this; I probably would've stopped you." Then I shrugged again. "But I wasn't here at the time."

"I see..." Elincia didn't question me about where I was this time, which was nice. "While I understand your reasoning, I am surprised no one is here to celebrate with you."

"Maybe they finally learned to leave me alone?" I offered in response. "No offense, but your students are a bunch of assholes. Well, with the exception of Cassidy. Floyd tetters here and there, but he is annoying too."

Elincia rolled her eyes. "Always great to know that you view our students as assholes."

"Call em like I see em."

Sighing, the Priestess changed the subject. "There are a few basic things I would like to go over with you. First, your pay. Given your status as a knight, we are under no obligation to pay you for your services." Elincia stated.

"Wow. That fucking sucks balls." I stated in a plain tone. "Kind of a bitch move, don't you think?"

Closing her eyes for a moment, she continued as if I never responded. "However, since you also hold the rank of general and have saved Helmsforth, along with me and my sister's lives, there are other ways to compensate you." She opened them before continuing. "You will also need to choose a Town Guard who will be your second in command. A Captain of sorts who will answer to you. Do you have anyone in mind, or shall we offer you some suggestions?"

"Captain Greigh Nasa will do just fine."

"I was unaware you and Captain Greigh got along so well." Elincia commented as she gestured to me.

"He's close by, can fly, and knows the area better than I do. The Captain will do just fine."

A few more things were discussed back and forth, but things went surprisingly well. There didn't appear to be any magical spells cast in the area, and Elincia was actually not a bitch about anything. Plus, everyone else kind of fucked off too. It was nice in a weird way. Hopefully, it'll stay that way for a little bit.

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