Chapter 97: Chapter 97

Arthur's Point of View

Reed Farmstead

Waving a dismissive hand at that, I spoke for Greigh. "Greigh might be able to handle one Ghoul depending on the Ghoul in question, but you would die." Gesturing to him, I explained. "From what I saw during your battle with Rudnurth, you handled yourself well and were no stranger to the battlefield."

"I've gone on many hunts in the Hollow Forest." The Captain casually replied. "They help with combat experience. Especially when you have to deal with the swarms of different creatures in there." Then he frowned in annoyance. "Still, it disturbs me that I could maybe fight a Ghoul, and you say that with an unsure tone."

I shrugged. "If you fought something that complimented you, you'd win. If you fought something that was a brick shithouse and you couldn't damage it, I think you'd lose." He nodded grimly at that. "Much like how you couldn't get near Rudnurth."

"Then what do you think of all these Ghouls suddenly appearing?" The male Zugal gestured to the forest. "They've been appearing at an alarming rate as of late. Do you think we should be worried?"

"My gut tells me things have been set into motion, and we're going to need to be ready." I told them firmly. "However, I have no time to spend catering to the whims of others who are more focused on silly concerns and details. Arceana and Elincia have taken an interest in me, but I am hoping they're not foolish enough to ignore everything else that has been happening."

With his magic sword and shield in tow, he attacked. It didn't go well. She quickly shattered his shield, which caused some manner of rebound, and her white magic sword from last time appeared in her hand as she held it at his throat. Her wings were spread out in a flare of sorts as she squeezed Kheri's throat tighter.

Elincia tried to negotiate. "I am unaware of what has transpired for you to reveal yourself in such a manner, but I assure you-" She began, but I cut her off.

"Put the bird down!" I shouted.

Stepping forward while drawing Defiance from my back grabbed everyone's attention. Especially when I raised my energy and released my killing intent as a shockwave erupted from my body. This High Elf was powerful. Far more powerful than Elincia or Arceana. If this is how powerful she was last time, I'm lucky we didn't actually duke it out.

It reminded me of Thana in a way, but she was too tall with a different hair color, and her voice didn't match. Her body type was also vastly different as well. Part of me hoped it was Mara, but just like Thana, many things were different. Even with the Ghoulish cloak she was wearing, I could feel her magic power radiating off her body.

While not as powerful as Thana, I was still doubtful I could win without transforming, which meant I needed to get her off this mountain. Throwing away Kheri and ignoring Alwin altogether, she focused on me. Moving towards me, we ended up coming to a stop a few feet from each other. Both waiting for the other to make the first move.

"Arthur-" Arceana called out but stopped when a spell launched from the raven-haired High Elf and into her barrier.

Many paused when cracks shot through the two priestesses' barrier. Alwin quickly grabbed Kheri and teleported inside it while Greigh and Ziah followed suit. Once the area was clear, everything became silent as I turned my attention back to the newcomer. She had a snarl on her lips, but the rest of her face was obscured.

The High Elf turned back to me as I tried to peer through her cloak's enchantment. "Stand aside." She ordered me.

Raising Defiance, I replied. "Make me."

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