Chapter 532: Chapter 532

Arthur's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

My eye twitched as I was once again going about my day before it was interrupted by Elincia. Another week had passed since The Festival of Lights. Everyone was still in my house even though we had received word they should be able to return. You'd think that they would keep intruders out since I was being nice enough to let all of them stay. Yet, here was Elincia in my office with Typhon. Marina was next to me as I stared at them from the doorway.

"Who keeps letting you in here?" I asked aloud.

Elincia smirked as she sat behind my desk again. "Not many would refuse me entry."

I turned to Marina. "Spread the word that Elincia, and especially Arceana, need to wait for my permission to be invited inside."

"I believe it was Lucia who led her here." Marina told me, and I turned to see Elincia's smirk grow.

"I've been dealing with several guests." Was my dry reply.

"Yes. Speaking of, when are they planning to return. General Kheri has been trying to fill in where she can, but Alwin Farro is sorely missed. Captain Greigh Nasa and Sergeant Ziah Tib are also needed." Elincia pointed out. "And there's still quite a bit of time before Captain Allen Harlow returns."

I shrugged. "You'll have to speak to them directly. I'm no longer your knight." That made Ty's expression turn to surprise. "If the others don't want to return, that's on them. Same with your students. They might not feel safe around Arceana anymore. Especially given Ayda's and Cassidy's little stunt they pulled with runes."

Elincia nodded slowly at that. "...And what of Lucia?"

My jaw tightened at that for a moment. "It will be her decision. She is more than welcome to stay as she is to return to the Temple. There will always be a place for her here, but I know better than to act like a father so suddenly when I wasn't there for her growing up. I lost that right."

The Priestess seemed conflicted. "Have you discussed that with her?"

"If she comes to me, I'm more than willing to discuss almost anything, but I don't want to burden her either. The choice will be hers, and hers alone, Elincia."

"Very well." Elincia replied understanding my words. "Are you still willing to train Typhon despite your renounced status and title?"

"I am, and I have no plans to stop." My attention turned back to the boy. "He is vital to moving forward."

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