Chapter 555: Chapter 555

????'s Point of View

Skies of Lestrania

"So, where to next?" Pestilence inquired as we floated there.

Credo floated over to my side. "Are you sure you want to leave things like this?"

"It's better than last time, isn't it?" I replied.

"I suppose, but Arthur's words... They were a little suspicious."

"Maybe he's finally put the pieces together." Was my soft response as a weak chuckle left my lips. "Who would've thought our meeting from so long ago would make him suspicious..."

His eyes met mine. "Do you think that's why he let Lucia stay out there? He's very protective of her, but he seemed perfectly confident with her being there. Maybe he wanted you to see her. Make sure you saw she was alright."

"Neither of us expected you to be such a violent woman." Credo commented.

I smacked his chest for that. "As I was saying, our little journey together started out of necessity. Not trust. Had it not been for Tor, Flare, and Sulva, we likely wouldn't be together as we are now."

Pestilence gave me a blank stare. "Well aware."

"However," I said more forcefully to the emotionless Demon. "You two had the perfect opportunity to kill me. Truthfully, you could've done many things while I was unconscious for a full day. When I awoke, I half expected you two to be gone. Instead, you two took care of me. It was..." My words caught before I corrected myself. "It 'is' appreciated."

Pestilence scoffed. "Well, this is weird. Never thought I'd ever hear appreciation from you."

My eyes narrowed at him. "I can take it back if you wish."

Credo chuckled. "There's no need. You are welcome." He then gestured to the home in the distance. "Are you sure you want to leave. We do have some time. Arthur welcomed us into his home. There's a chance we could stay for a day if we ask."

I looked down and saw Breeze on the roof staring at us. "No. We should leave now in case the worst happens, and we're needed sooner. If Mordred is correct about Klasteris returning, we need to be ready. All of us can agree Thana is a problem that needs to be dealt with. Taking back Klasteris will be a good start."

"Are you going to be okay?" The redhaired Demon asked. "You know what comes with its return."

"You mean who." Pestilence added snidely.

"Yes. In fact, I'd say I'm looking forward to it." I told them with a sharpness in my tone before I turned my gaze away from Breeze and started flying east. The other two quickly fell in behind me. "We'll have to wait and see what happens."

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