Chapter 531: Chapter 531

Arthur's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

Not wanting to state the obvious that the only reason anyone was present was because of me, quite literally, I looked back at the curved wall with a lip on it. It was closer to a large bowl than a wall, but it came up to about five feet tall. There was some shouting coming from down the road. We were all gathered in the courtyard, and it appeared the others had finally returned. Cass came towards us with a few bags.

"We have acquired some candles for everyone." Rennal stated. "It took a little longer than we expected given our last-minute endeavors to acquire them."

"Well, there was an unexpected amount of people attending tonight." Greigh pointed out. "I don't think anyone was expecting dozens of Succubae to be present."

"Was anyone expecting any of us ta be present?" Cass asked. "If ya think about it, most of us shouldn't've been here." Someone decided to point it out.

Aydalia quickly cut in. "Which is why we should be even more thankful. Ayda," She turned to her daughter. "Help Greigh, Ziah, and I pass the candles out."

Ayda nodded. "Yes, Mother."

Marina eventually moved over to us. "Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned."

I couldn't stop the chuckle that came from my lips as everyone looked at her confused. "You are forgiven." I told her, amused, as Ayda handed me a candle before moving through the group.

"Do you not want to know what she did?" Alwin questioned as his gaze seemed concerned.

"No one's flying tonight." Greigh pointed out, and he turned to me. "Many are looking forward to what you might have planned. It's been the talk of the town over the last few days."

A voice called from behind our little group by the stone wall. "May we join you?" I turned to see Freya with dozens of children with flames flickering across their faces. "This day is new to us, but we would like to-"

Lucia cut her off as she smiled. "Of course, Freya." She then turned to the kids. "Come children. Would you like to place your candles on Arthur's and Rock's stone wall as well?" Grabbing Alwin's hand, she moved to copy the others with Alwin as they placed their candles up on our wall. "Does anyone need a hand?"

Ayda followed suit as she placed her candle next to her family's. Magic was used to lift the children high enough to place their candles. Some were also assisted by being lifted under their arms by Cass, Rock, and Greigh. Freya smiled with tears in her eyes as her gaze met mine and she gave me a grateful nod. I gave one in return.

"So," Greigh began as he turned to me once the wall was practically full of the small candles. "Do you have a candle to place?" He asked me.

"I had something a little different in mind." Then I gestured for everyone to back up. "Marina and Elves be ready to brace yourselves from the heat. Rock and Breeze, with me. Are you two ready?" With nods from the two, we began.

I had already explained to them what I wanted to do. Rock expanded the wall as it rose in height and width. He also created a tunnel, or hole, to me a few feet out from the bowl as it rose. My eyes glanced up at Breeze who flew in the air as wind whipped about. Breeze glanced down to me and nodded.

Needing no further prompting, I placed my hands in the tunnel that led to the inside of the bowl. They heated up as flames poured from them. Slamming into the bowl, the roar of the flames startled some, but I ignored them as I looked up to Breeze once more. His winds picked up more as they moved down to the bowl and high into the sky. Whatever clouds there were, disappeared. A torrent of flames shot into the sky and twisted into a violent tornado controlled by us three.

No doubt this would be a night to remember as it shot up and dispersed into the night sky like a blanket for a few minutes before we finally stopped. I pulled back and Breeze landed next to me as Rock lowered the bowl down once more. Many of the candles had completely melted as Breeze quickly cooled the area without anyone getting burned.

"Ah think Kine and ma Grandpa would've been happy about that send off." Austin's told me as he nudged me with an elbow. "Thank you, Arthur."

Placing my hand on his head, I moved him around playfully before I smiled at him. "Of course, buddy. Nothing but the best for your grandpa." My eyes glanced around the group. "And everyone else that's no longer here."

"After today," Alwin began. "Many will be thankful for your display. As am I. Thank you, Sir Arthur. My father would be honored by your pyre."

There was a chorus of many agreeing with him, and thanks given. Even the Succubae children thanked me, which was an interesting feeling to process. As we watched the mountain, one thought came to my mind. My head turned and I glanced out of the corner of my eye at Lucia. Thankful that she was here. However, as the night went on, a sinking feeling came to me as I thought back on Aydan's words and whatever curse Elias's Demon might've placed on her.

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