Chapter 488: Chapter 488

Arthur's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

"I will be fine, Arthu-"

"You're on the verge of collapsing. You've been sitting down ever since I woke up for the most part." My attention turned back to Greigh. "Carry him. He probably doesn't have the energy to walk."

Breeze wasted no time taking him upstairs with Marina following. "I suppose that takes care of that." Greigh commented. "Should we report to the-"

My head snapped to him. "No!" The group seemed surprised, and I held up my hand, tiredly. "No. I don't want to deal with that right now. I'm not even sure it's safe." Rubbing my face, I continued. "Cass, I'll send you home so you can check on Austin and Rennal. I'm sure you're worried about them."

"Ah would like that, but Ah'll come right back, since Ah doubt ya got any food here. Ya been gone for a while. Any food ya still got has likely gone bad." Cassidy told me. "Austin would like ta see ya as well. He was worried about ya."

"Okay." Was my exhausted response.

A portal opened and Cass gave me a short farewell before promising to return.

"Sir?" Greigh called out softly. "Are you okay?"

"I'm tired." I told him.

Lucia smiled at that. "Sounds like she was quite the incredible individual."

"She was. Mara truly was incredible..." I let out wistfully. "The first time I met her, not only did I pick a fight with her brother, but I got in a fight with Aydan. He was their adoptive father, so you don't need to worry about your relationship with Alwin. You two aren't blood related."

"I figured." She replied back with a short giggle.

"Believe it or not, but I was just as big of an asshole back then as I am now." I quirked a brow at Lucia. "Most of the Royal Family seemed to enjoy that."

Rolling her eyes, Lucia responded as she leaned in. "I doubt that but do continue."

I covered my mouth with my freehand to help hide my smile. "A few things happened, and I ended up becoming your mother's teacher. Well, the Royal Family as a whole, but well, your mother was special. Had things gone according to plan, Mara would've ruled Lestrania. Not Rudnurth or the Priestesses."

"Is that why you and Rudnurth hate each other?" Lucia inquired.

I clicked my tongue. "No, but that's another story for another time. Your mother was a beautiful, wonderful, woman."

She became quiet for a moment before she leaned back and eyed me. "Knowing what I know now, it almost seems like you loved her." Lucia pointed out.

"..." I didn't respond.

Lucia turned to face me head on. "Arthur... Did you love her?"

Memories once more flooded my mind. Banquet halls, victory feasts, training, and nights in my room. So many little moments that meant the world to me. So many moments I did my best to ignore. Not that it mattered to Mara. Even now, her insistence on pursuing me makes no sense. Was she just attracted to my power or was it something else?

My gaze turned from her as I looked back at the fire. "You know we used to do this." Lucia gave me a confused look. "At the end of our days together, she would usually come to my room to sit by the fire. It was all an excuse, and I knew that, but I enjoyed her presence." My fingers began tapping the arm of the chair nervously. "Mara was..." My voice caught in my throat. "Mara was..." I repeated in a shaky tone, but the words wouldn't come out.

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