Chapter 469: Chapter 469

Cassidy's Point of View

Depths of the Hollow Forest

Looking at me, the creature put its arm against me before gently pushing me back. It then did the same to several others. We eventually got the message as everyone backed away from Arthur. Lucia was next to Arthur, but the golem didn't focus on her. Although, she did appear to catch its attention.

"Bring him to me." A siren-like voice called out behind the wall of greenery.

Immediately, the golem acted as the ground came to life. Whoever that feminine voice belonged to was likely one of Arthur's children. This golem's power alone was alarming. It made sense why Kandma was reluctant to approach. The living mountain range likely had made that mistake once before and likely faced this creature. Against a golem that can move the earth, I imagine it was rather annoying for Kandma.

The dirt shifted as Arthur was carried across the ground, almost like he was floating. Many of us moved to follow, mainly Greigh and I, but we were quickly stopped. An arm came slamming down in front of us as the golem roared. We immediately stepped back.

"Rock." That same woman called out in a chiding tone.

A giggle came from behind the orb as it floated out of the way. "Maybe don't inhale Demon Stone next time, okay?" Marina said.

She looked just how I remembered. Like a mermaid with runes up and down her tail. In all honesty, Marina looked like a living manifestation of my energy. The same blue energy seemed to emanate from her entire body and crown. In the water, it was somewhat difficult to see her. I imagine most others would miss her, given how well she blends into it.

"Marina." I said softly as it came out in bubbles.

This made the water guardian smirk. "You're certainly powerful, but even you can't speak underwater."

I rolled my eyes at that. With no other signal, we shot up through the water. My water guardian daughter launched me out of the water. Given that there was still water in my system, I spent a few moments retching up what was left. Once a few coughs had cleared the rest of my system, I wiped my face and got to my feet. Taking a deep breath was refreshing as it no longer hurt.

"Thank you, Marina." I said softly as I turned back to her.

She was in a lake of great depth. The water guardian swam around happily as I looked around. We appeared to be underneath a forest's canopy where the light had difficulty shining through. Only the light from Marina's Lake was what illuminated the area. It was more vibrant than when all those years ago. In the middle of her lake was the tree.

"How're you feeling?" She asked.

Rolling my neck and shoulders, I closed my eyes for a moment. "Better." I said as I looked at her with a raised brow. "What did you do?"

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