Chapter 489: Chapter 489

Thana's Point of View

Unknown Location

As I walked toward the training room, Tor spoke. "Do you truly plan on leaving Pendragon alone?"

Entering a room above the chamber, I looked into the empty arena. "Things aren't so simple."

"Maybe so, but to just leave him?" Tor questioned.

"You know that Fluffy will come when he finds out about him." My shadowy aid pointed out. "We still don't know the extent of his forces. Not to mention what Arthur might do should he find out."

"It seems to me that if you leave Arthur alone, he'll leave you alone." I replied as I left the room. "Not forever, obviously, but enough that you'll likely be able to recover. Fluffy has no goals and simply does what seems entertaining at that given moment. If he's taken an interest in Arthur Pendragon, I suspect those two will clash before Arthur and I do."

"That's also concerning."

"Much in this world is concerning, but there's no point in being so. Our end goal isn't about those who are alive now." I told him as I entered another room in one of my labs. "It's about those who will be alive in the end. Everyone is the hero in their own story, Tor. Fluffy and Arthur are no different. We all make strides towards our own goals without any concern for others."

Shuffling about, I began to pull out all manner of tools. "Are you sure about this?" Tor inquired. "Your own experimentation upon yourself has made you vastly stronger, but at a horrible cost."

I placed manner formulas and mixtures on one of the tables. "Arthur set foot in this very castle. He wasn't concerned or afraid..." My tone grew distant. "The man seemed glad and left behind a warning." Placing a large needle on the table, I grabbed some tubing before I sat down. "As of now, there is no longer a choice."

Pouring several mixtures together using past formulas was child's play. Tor moved to it and poured some of his demonic magic into it. Well, not his per say, but he had the same magic of the one I wanted. It wouldn't be long until I had to pay her another visit.

Putting the needle in my skin with it hooked into a mixture, I hissed. "If I stop this, I will get weaker. If I stop, I lose you. If I stop, I lose everything. I can't stop." Demonic energy coursed through my body painfully. "I can never stop."

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