Chapter 482: Chapter 482

Lucia's Point of View

Depths of the Hollow Forest

The creature placed a caring hand on my head before he stepped in front of all of us. It had to be Arthur. With his sword, eyes, and demeanor all matching, I was sure. With his appearance, the wolves came to a halt. Many backed away or circled to the side, but still made sure to keep their distance. Rock had backed towards Arthur as they entered into a staring contest.

"Do you not remember the last time you all faced me?" 'Arthur' inquired in a strange voice.

My eyes moved to the others in the group who were looking on fearfully. "Arthur?" Cassidy let out in shock, but she was ignored.

One wolf stepped forward before it shook violently. "Arthur Pendragon." It greeted after a moment. "Why is it you seem to be continually in my forest?" The wolf even glanced toward Camoa. "You should've known better than to bring him here."

Arthur went silent at that for a moment. "You know Thana?" He then looked over to Camoa. "That is not something I would've expected." She shook her head at Arthur's look. "So, you're definitely not a Druid." Lightning shot across his body. "Change of plans," His wings spread as he readied his sword. "You're not going anywhere until we have a little talk."

The wolves all growled in response. "You haven't been able to capture one of my wards yet. What makes you think this time will be so different?"

Without responding, one of the wolves yelped and started floating through the air. Arthur was clearly the one responsible. It shook in pain as it continued to yelp in pain as you could its fur matted down by some unknown force as it hung in the air. The wolf was brought into the clearing a few feet before it went completely limp.

That seemed to make Arthur pause. "So," He started as he dropped the dead wolf on the ground. "You can kill them remotely." Arthur stated.

"It would seem there is no reasoning with you." The wolf responded.

Not waiting any longer, Arthur lifted dozens of wolves in the air. "Kill them!" He ordered.

Rock immediately jumped into the pack as he brought his arms down and crushed them. The golem continued to jump up and down almost like it was celebrating. A wave of ice shot through the air like arrows and pierced through many of the wolf hides as they fell dead. All this while Breeze was on the other side likely dealing with any wolves behind us.

Arthur and the wolf that were talking continued to look at each other during all this. Even without moving, it was always strange to see Arthur being able to kill without so much as a twitch. More howls echoed through the air as more wolves began to pour into the area.

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