Chapter 483: Chapter 483

Lucia's Point of View

Depths of the Hollow Forest

Many wolves littered the area. Hundreds, in fact. So much so that there were literal piles of the animal. The disturbing truth was it only took a few minutes for it to become a bloodbath. This battle was very one-sided. Eventually, the wolves stopped attacking. A snarl from the head wolf got them to stop once more as it turned its gaze back to Arthur.

"I must admit," Arthur began in a taunting manner. "I didn't expect you to have so many wolves after all the ones Kandma and I killed last time. Then there was the last time at the Old Capital." His tone darkened. "It's almost unnatural."

"Says the monster standing there that is neither God nor Demon." The wolf shot back. "Something new coming to Crevalis and causing quite the stir has garnered the eyes of many. It seems you don't understand that my actions here are a mercy."

"Take your idea of 'mercy' somewhere else." Arthur immediately shot back.

The wolf's hair seemed to bristle at that. "You risk more than you know."

"Can you?" Arthur shot back.

"Such an undertaking would take quite some time."

"I have time." He leaned in even more. "An overabundance of it. Kandma will have to move, and I will offer Camoa a different place to stay, but I will find you. Make no mistake about that."

The wolves were slowly starting to back away. "Your overconfidence will be your downfall. I am not your enemy, Arthur. Your lack of knowledge will doom not only you but those around you." She stepped back, and Arthur stood tall once more.

Reverting back to his usual 'human' form, Arthur replied. "You claim not to be my enemy, but you've attacked me on several occasions. Now you try to offer me advice?" He put his sword away as Rock moved beside him. "If you're not my enemy, who is? Thana?"

"You'd be surprised. There is only one enemy." The wolf claimed before the woman's voice lowered in disdain. "And you carried his stench the first time I felt you in my forest. Leave this place, Arthur Pendragon. Take your companions, your little creations, and abandon this place." Backing into the tree line, her voice called out one last time as her eyes glimmered slightly. "Or the next time we meet, I will not yield."

Everyone was silent for a moment until a voice shouted from the hole. "Are they gone?!" Aydan called in a curious tone.

Arthur sighed as he looked over at us. Not many of us were willing to look him in the eye. Most went out of their way to avoid his gaze. After all, none of us knew what he was. What he truly was. He clearly wasn't human, but we knew that. The wolves claimed he wasn't a demon or a god, leaving him a complete mystery. However, I seemed to be the only one who had no trouble meeting his gaze.

The man didn't look over the group. Instead, he focused solely on me. There was concern in his eyes. He appeared to be worried, but I had no idea why. After a moment, Arthur went back to the hole. He didn't say anything else. No explanation was offered. We were left alone with our thoughts as he left.

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