Chapter 481: Chapter 481

Lucia's Point of View

Depths of the Hollow Forest

Moments Prior

The creature Arthur called 'Breeze' carried me through the air. As we flew away from Arthur and Aydan, I saw the men begin to argue. I couldn't hear what they said, but Arthur was visibly upset. However, he also looked scared as I saw him take a few glances in my direction. When I could no longer see them, and there was water beneath us, I heard a many cry out my name.

"Lucia!" Multiple people said in a joyous tone.

Ayda and her mother quickly wrapped me in their arms. "Aydalia!" I cried out happily. "You're awake!" I hugged them back for a moment before I looked her over. "And your scars are gone..." My head tilted as I examined her. "How did-"

"That would be me." A voice called from the water. "It was requested that I fix her scars. Not overly difficult, but still a bit of a waste to use my lake on such vanity such as someone's looks." She was very blue and almost blended into the water where I missed her. "Although, it was apparently to pay a debt that had to deal with you."

"And you are?" I asked after a moment as the others just listened.

"Marina. At your service." She quickly gestured to the towering golem on the edge of the tree line. "That's Rock."

Ayda hugged me from the side. "We all thought you were dead."

A new voice spoke up, and I turned to face her. "Arthur was rather distraught when he witnessed your supposed death. Never before had I seen the man so emotional." She gave me a light bow. "My name is Camoa. Arthur came to me for aid, and I was able to stabilize you."

"And he took my memories?" I asked.

The Druid nodded. "He did. Many of us thought it was a bad idea given his condition, but he was adamant."

"I was informed as such." My hands went to the sides of my head as I continued. "He knows my mother..."

"..." No one replied.

I looked up to see everyone avoiding my gaze. "Wha-"

A howling cut me off as it echoed through the tree line. Rock immediately slammed both his arms on the ground before Marina motioned for him to stop. Even Breeze moved into the air at her command. All three readied themselves, almost as if they had been expecting this.

"Breeze, you handle the other side. Rock, the front." She ordered. "I will assist both of you when and where I can while keeping the group safe."

"What's happening?" Aydalia inquired.

"Intruders." Marina answered before everything turned to chaos.

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