Chapter 480: Chapter 480

Arthur's Point of View

Depths of the Hollow Forest

"It's not that simple, Aydan." I told him.

"These things rarely are, but don't think I didn't notice you had her leave before I could check to see who her father was." He commented. "Is that for her, or you?"

The man eyed me as I grinded my teeth. "I will tell her about me. About Elias as well, and we'll go from there, but it will be her choice." My eyes focused on him. "Not yours or mine."

He quirked a brow at that. "Will she agree with that?"

"..." I didn't answer.

Aydan groaned. "And this is why I told her all those things. You need to stop this." He gestured to me with a small manner of annoyance. "Whatever 'this' is. If I were to ask any of the group you came with, do you think any of them would say you follow orders?"

"These wolves have bothered you before?"

He nodded. "When Mara and I spoke. They don't seem to appreciate my presence very much. Maybe they think it'll be easier this time without her here." Aydan then smiled. "You might not believe me, but she's rather powerful now."

Another howl. "Is this really an issue?"

Giving me a dismissive wave, he grunted out a response. "The wolves are powerful because of their numbers, but nothing that our guardian's can't handle."

Rock roared for a moment before things went silent. However, vicious snarls could immediately be heard moments after as the sounds of magic picked up. Screams from above also made their way to my ears. The wind picked up as things sounded horrible. It legitimately sounded like a warzone right on top of us. A spray of water even splashed down the hole as some hit me.

Looking to Aydan, I wasn't convinced. "Are you sure about that?"

It wasn't Aydan who replied either. "Arthur!" Lucia's voice called out, scared.

Not waiting for an invitation, I summoned my sword. My body started to change as I felt my form shift. Aydan looked on in a morbid fascination if anything as he watched. Soon, I towered over the ghost as I spread my wings. Floating up, I readied to enter the fray and make sure Lucia was safe. Naturally, everyone else would follow suit, but I wasn't going to chance making the same mistakes as the past.

When I breathe, my voice makes a clicking noise that I can't really stop. So, when I came up behind the group, all of them heard me. They didn't turn around right away. Mostly because of the wolves. However, when the wolves paused once they saw me, the group slowly turned and looked up at me with fear in their eyes. The same fear I saw from Allen Harlow and the Dwarves when they saw this form.

Slowly reaching out, I placed my claw on Lucia's head, before I stood in front of the group. "Arthur?" Lucia's asked in a shaky tone.

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