Chapter 468: Chapter 468

Cassidy's Point of View

Depths of the Hollow Forest

Kandma's snout touched the ground between the Hollow Forest's massive trees. Still, we were quite a ways up, and getting down would be difficult. Thankfully, we had Camoa. Being a Druid allowed her to make a pathway down for us with the trees and vines. Ayda carried Arthur and Lucia as we descended into the thicker parts of the forest.

When we finally got under the canopy. Kandma started to move once more and left. It was rather alarming to have such a large creature leave the area. We couldn't see the flying wolf either, which was also unnerving. Many of us looked around as the forest seemed deathly silent. Not to mention there was a strange blue energy coming from ahead that was giving off an eerie glow.

"Shall we?" Camoa asked as she moved toward the blue light.

None of us responded. Only followed. As we approached, blue specks of light started to float around beneath the canopy. A wall of greenery blocked our vision from where they were coming from, but everything became darker the closer we got. Eventually, only the blue specks of light guided our path. Many were nervous. Even Camoa trembled with apprehension. We came to the wall of greenery, and Camoa created another path for us.

On the inside was a canopy with the ground torn apart in a clearing. Boulders decorated the dirt since there was no grass. Some were massive and towered over us, which made it even more difficult to see. Cracks formed throughout the ground as we saw a circle of trees just beyond. Vines weaved in and out to create another wall. No sun shone here. However, some of the trees were badly damaged.

"Nobody move." Camoa said softly. "Something's here." Spikes shot from the ground and completely blocked the way we came from. "I was wrong! Move!"

Stopping in front of us, it started to split as large arms rose dauntingly. Slamming into the ground, Ziah fell over with Ayda from sheer force. Cracks shot beneath our feet as it leaned forward and roared. Bursts of lightning came from the cracks in its body where the blue runes were. It moved closer to us as a pressure started to press down on us, reminding me of Arthur.

The weird golem eyed us for a moment before it started slamming its arms into the ground over and over. After it paused, the creature roared once more. All of us were frozen in fear. I expected something or someone to come stop it, but no one did. As we stood there, it seemed to get angrier and angrier. After a few moments, it struck Alwin's shield in a warning manner.

Alwin flinched as he took a knee, and Ayda activated her magic to help reinforce his barrier. My eyes darted to Arthur before I looked back at the creature, whose attention immediately shifted to me. Holding up my hands, those in the group glanced at me. Stepping forward, the creature eyed me before it leaned back slightly.

"What're you doing!?" Greigh hissed.

"Lower the shield." I said softly.

"Have you lost your mind!?" Ayda asked. "That thing could-"

Cutting her off, I whipped my attention to her. "If it wanted ta, yer shield would've been broken already!" My tone was firm. "Lower it."

They looked around to see what the others thought. Greigh, Camoa, and their mother all agreed with me. Alwin seemed relieved to lower the shield as he practically collapsed. Ayda helped her brother while we all just waited to see what the golem would do. It approached once more, but slowly.

We backed away from it as its arm reached through the group. My teeth clenched when I saw it was reaching for Arthur. To my surprise, it began to tremble, and it appeared to start crying as it softly caressed Arthur's chest. Poking and prodding him to see if he was alright. It was far gentler than I thought would be possible for such a being.

Speaking up, I hoped that the creature would understand. "Can ya help him?" I asked.

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