Chapter 467: Chapter 467

Cassidy's Point of View

Kandma's Head

"Arthur, please! Ya need ta rest! Stop this!"

"I don't have the patience to wait, Cass. If she wakes up before I do..." Arthur replied softly. "This might be the last thing I can do for her." He stated.

"What do you mean?" Ayda questioned softly.

His head lazily rolled toward her and Lucia. "Would you want me around after finding out what I've done?" He asked. "Regardless of the reasons, do you really think Lucia will forgive me?"

Ayda's lips struggled to form words as she continued to help Lucia. "I don't know, Arthur."

Arthur looked back up to the sky. "Neither do I." He then closed his eyes. "Please, Kandma."

Things became eerily silent as the giant creature stopped moving entirely. There was no shifting, and I looked down its snout toward its eyes. It was watching the scene unfold. After a moment, it let out a grumble of sorts. Moments later, an orb floated from Lucia, which startled Ayda. She backed away as it gently floated over to Arthur and disappeared into his forehead.

Rest? Rest didn't seem possible in this situation. Even after everything had happened, everyone seemed on edge. After Arthur's rather tame rampage, all of us were going through an adrenaline rush that likely turned into a high. One that many of us were unlikely to come down from any time soon. So, we continued on with everyone waiting for something to happen.

Eventually, it did. "Why're we stopping?" Greigh questioned as Kandma came to a halt.

"Do you know, Camoa?" Aydalia turned her attention to the Druid.

We all were curious as we looked at Kandma, who showed no signs of acknowledging us. The Druid's hand rose slowly as she pointed out in front of Kandma. Turning, I found myself lost as to what she was pointing at. My eyes darted about as I tried to find whatever it might be.

"By the gods..." Ayda whispered as she backed away slightly.

Turning to her, I frowned as my brow furrowed. "What? Ah don't see it."

A slight rumble came from Kandma before the wind whipped far more violently than it had been. Clouds cleared from the area as we began to lower slowly. As Kandma moved to lie down to likely let us off, my eyes turned to the others and saw all of them looking up. Doing the same, I saw a creature that gave me pause. It looked like a mix of animals. A white and greenish wolf with antlers that had runes on it. Green markings could be seen across its body and eyes.

It continued to watch us as the wind eventually died down. "We are here." Camoa suddenly informed us. "Prepare to move the wounded ever so gently." She looked about our group nervously. "Make no sudden moves and proceed carefully. They don't know us."

"Maybe we could speak with it?" Ayda offered.

Greigh immediately replied. "I'm not flying up there to find out. We'll proceed on foot and follow Camoa's lead. She knows more about this forest than any of us." He let out a deep sigh. "Hopefully, Arthur will awaken before we arrive. Otherwise, we might not have a choice but to try and converse."

"My confidence in this plan is dropping by the second." Aydalia stated.

"That makes all of us." Camoa shot back.

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