Chapter 466: Chapter 466

Cassidy's Point of View

Kandma's Head

The man huffed as sweat poured from his forehead and down his cheeks. "Arthur, it wasn't his-" Aydalia started but was cut off.

"Don't tell me it wasn't his fault." He replied as his head bobbed back and forth. "Don't tell me that the man who is unscathed, except for his hunger pang frame, should be able to see Lucia." Arthur's jerked as he huffed angrily.

"I told her to teleport away. I begged her to leave." Alwin spoke softly.

Arthur's gaze snapped back to him as his breathing quickened in anger. "Would you have if the situation was reversed? She loves you! Even I know that!" His tone was harsh. "But as for why, I can't imagine!"

"Ah thought you said that drink of yers was supposed ta calm him."

Camoa merely nodded. "It did. I think this is rather tame compared to what we saw before." Then she shrugged. "However, rage is something I've found is hard to suppress unless done so by the person in question."

Gritting his teeth, Arthur continued. "I had to check on your sister. Get her mind off of what happened. It was me who checked on Lucia and me who-" He started coughing before wheezing, and his gaze turned to Lucia. "You look at her and tell me what right you have to even be near her, let alone next to her..."

I nodded. "Ya could. It'd be easy ta start over. Build a new place for yerself."

He shook his head. "No. I don't feel like building something else." Arthur forced out. "I built Lestrania with my own two hands. Saved it from falling. Then," Rolling to his side, he laid on his arms as he turned over. "I built Klasteris, which fell who knows when. Two kingdoms. Two failures in their own way." His forehead rested on Kandma as he tried to get comfortable. "I'm tired of building."

My head popped up to Greigh, who shrugged just as lost as I was. "What of their memory?" Aydalia suddenly asked. "What about the people who believed in you?"

"People like you?" Arthur asked back as his head turned to the side to face her. "You do realize that you only believed in me after you forced your way into my head. Remember? After you took advantage of my weakened state?" He began to lift his head and thump it on the ground, or rather, against Kandma. "Memory..." The man said after a moment. "Kandma?"

To our surprise, we came to a short stop. The creature started rumbling a bit. It was rather concerning as we waited to see what Arthur would say. After a moment, it let out a few growls and other such grunts.

"You once told me you're living memory, and you gave me the chance to see what happened that night..." Arthur trailed off for a moment as the creature grumbled some manner of reply. "Could you give me Lucia's?"

"What?" I let out, confused.

Ignoring me, he started to pat the creature. "Give me the memories from the moment she was captured. I'll take it all. She shouldn't have to endure such things."

Camoa immediately stepped forward. "That is not a good idea. My potion has calmed your mind, even if only barely. Given your physical and mental state, this seems needlessly dangerous."

I nodded. "She's right, Arthur."

"Kandma..." He let out softly. "Please... Let me do this for her. It's all I can do."

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