Chapter 461: Chapter 461

Cassidy's Point of View

Kandma's Head

His gaze shifted to Aydalia, who was doing her best to cover her face and scars from the burns. "Arthur wanted people he could trust who would side with him." Greigh gestured to the burned Elf. "I didn't know about Lucia or her mother."

Aydalia sighed. "I did. Arthur cared for Mara deeply, from what I could tell from his memories."

"Mother, you took his memories by force?" Ayda's voice cut in. "That-"

"Forbidden. Yes, I'm aware, Ayda, but I felt I had no choice. As your mother, Arthur was a great concern for your father and I. Especially given you and your brother's relationship with the man." Aydalia responded. "I had to know if he truly was planning anything against you." Her lips shook as she gestured to herself. "I knew how he viewed Lucia, which is why I did my best to protect her."

"So, father-" Ayda began, but her mother cut her off with a nod.

"Yes. I informed him what I saw." The Farro matriarch informed her daughter. "He did the same out of loyalty for the man known as Arthur Pendragon. What I did was wrong, and I was completely wrong about him." She then looked at me. "No doubt your grandfather knew about this." Her gaze moved away from mine as she looked down.

"Yer the Druid that Arthur talked about." She nodded. "The one who saved Typhon when he was a child?" I inquired.

"The very same, but I would argue he's still a child." Camoa answered.

"He looks completely different than he did before he left for the East." Greigh stated. "It's almost alarming how tall he's grown." His eyes then focused on the Druid. "Were you the one who brought this creature to aid Arthur?"

Aydalia answered. "No. Kandma was in Arthur's memories from thousands of years ago. They are friends. I have no idea who this Druid is to Arthur."

"That is correct. Arthur called for both me and Kandma." The Druid merely smiled. "I would like to say I am a friend. After all, Arthur came to me to save Lucia instead of any of you." That irked many present. "Just like how you don't trust me, my trust in all of you is almost non-existent." Her eyes then drifted to Arthur. "However, you did help him without the need for me to recover him."

"So, what is it ya want?" I questioned. "Ah doubt ya joined us just ta talk about Arthur."

Some vines started to come from the top of Kandma's head where the mountains were. Trees and other greenery were on top of the creature. That was most likely what the Druid was using. They came together to a point before a bowl of sorts appeared. It held some sort of green liquid that looked rather disgusting. Almost like thick swamp water.

"I would like to assist Arthur by giving him this. After what I saw, I'd like to be safe by keeping him in a more meditative state." The Druid stated. "If he wakes up and starts-" A growl gained our attention as Kandma came to a stop, and the Druid quickly explained. "It won't hurt him. Just help to keep him asleep or calm should he wake up."

The giant creature huffed at that before starting to move again. "Well, the giant stone bear seems to trust her." Ziah stated and looked at Greigh. "Sir Arthur also informed us about Camoa. I think we should trust her."

Greigh sighed as he nodded. "As much as I don't want to, none of us could stop him at the top of Helmsforth. We also have no idea how much energy he has left or what was happening to him. Has anyone seen something like this before?"

"The lines down his face, yes." I answered. "Even the weird chirping... But his arms and that woman's voice..." Shaking my head, many looked concerned. "If ya can keep him out of it until we get him better, do it." I told the Druid.

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