Chapter 462: Chapter 462

Elincia's Point of View

Inside Helmsforth Mountain

"Are you sure I should be here for this?" Kheri asked.

"There are many things I have been unsure of as of late." I told her as we rode the lift down. "This is just one more thing."

The descent soon opened up as that same eerie glow appeared like always. Runes were marked across the entire chamber as they glowed. In the middle of it all a prison with a lone prisoner. His seal glowed in a similar manner to the runes as his eyes met mine as we approached the floor.

A smirk came to his lips as we got off the lift. "Now, I wonder why my lovely Elincia has come to visit me. Here I thought it'd be a few hundred years before I saw either you or Arceana again." Rudnurth greeted in his usual obnoxious way.

"..." I said nothing as I approached.

"Yes. 'Arthur' must be putting up with quite a lot from the two of you. Although, it would appear it's mostly Arceana who is affected. Perhaps your Demon stunted the magic and spells that I used on you." He shrugged. "A bit of a conundrum if I do say so myself."

"Rudnurth!" My firmness got his smile to vanish. "Arceana is going to die! Your little sister is going to die if you do not undo whatever it is you did!"

The man seemed unfazed by my outburst. "Arthur had plenty of opportunities to kill either of you. He knows a single word could kill Arceana."

Raising a brow at that, I replied. "And how would you know that?"

He scoffed. "Please. Do you really think I could stay down here staring at the walls for the last thousand years or so if I couldn't keep myself entertained?" It was rhetorical, but just knowing that he had been watching us was alarming. "Him stabbing Arceana, though... That did surprise me, but then ask yourself." Rudnurth gave me a sarcastic look. "If Arthur truly wanted to kill Arceana, why would he stab her in the stomach and not the heart?"

I looked down since he was right. Had Arthur really wanted to, none of us would've been able to prevent him from killing Arceana. He was stronger than all our forces combined, including my sister and I. Rudnurth would likely be hard pressed to stop him as well. After seeing him in action without restraint in the Desert Kingdom, that became clear.

"I must admit, I'm surprised you don't loathe him." Rudnurth suddenly said, and I looked up to see him looking at me carefully. "Arceana does. In fact, I'd say she despises him with every ounce of her being, but not you. You're the opposite."

"There aren't many who loathe Arthur, Rudnurth." I told him.

My brother slammed into the seal, which startled me as he glared down at me. "You love him, don't you." To say I was flustered would be an understatement. "I've seen that same disgusting expression on your face before. All of you had it. Every single one of you chose him over me." He seethed. "That's why I used my magic."

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