Chapter 460: Chapter 460

Elincia's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

"You will do no such thing!" Arceana shouted.

"Will you be quiet!" I barked at her before turning to Aydalia and nodding. "Lady Farro, would you-"

The Elf cut me off with a glare. "I'm doing this for Arthur. Not for you." Her tone startled me, but she grabbed her kids before pointing to the giant bear. "Get us up there." Both looked at her, surprised. "Now." She told her children. "Greigh!"

My gaze snapped to Ziah and Greigh, who instantly took off, flying toward the giant creature. To my surprise, they landed on top of it with no issue. To say I was confused would be an understatement.

"Aydalia..." I called out to her. "What are you doing?" Her scarred face turned to me as she gestured for Cassidy to pick up Arthur.

"Protecting us." Aydalia answered before Ayda teleported them all up to the creature known as Kandma.

Not a moment later, the beast landed back on its front paws. The entire mountain shook horribly as many struggled to keep their balance. It then turned to leave.

"After it!" Arceana began. "Do not let the-"

"That doesn't seem that important at the moment." Ziah spoke up as she glanced at me. "While I am curious about those strange markings on your body, we need Arthur to regain his composure."

Running my hands down my face, I sighed. "Ah don't even know what ta think right now. Kine and Lucia are both dead..."

Ayda's head whipped to me at that as tears welled up in her eyes. "What...?" She asked breathlessly.

Ziah nodded when the Elf looked at her. "Arthur came to kill Priestess Arceana because he said Lucia was dead and that it was the Priestess's fault."

"He also claimed she was his daughter..." I told the Elf, and Ayda looked at me as tears ran down her eyes. "Ah don't know whether or not it's true, but-" My voice stopped when Ziah looked away from me. "Do ya know somethin, Ziah?" The question made the Zugal flinch.

"No." Her voice was shaky.

My gaze drifted to Ayda, who still looked lost about the news of Kine and Lucia. We were close to both, so I understood the shocking news. Things haven't been going our way. Kine was a fellow student and a good friend. Lucia was a friend who was always there. She was a constant for anyone who visited the Temple.

Ziah avoided my gaze. "Ziah, Ah can tell yer hidin somethin."

The Zugal kept her gaze on Arthur. "After what just happened, you'll understand when I say I'm not inclined to say anything regarding Arthur."

"Ah don't mean ta sound arrogant, but the problem is, Ah can't imagine Arhur'd tell you somethin he wouldn't tell me." I told her, and she finally looked at me. "So, how do ya know what ya shouldn't?"

Greigh's voice came in from behind me. "We overheard him talking with the Dragon delegation." The Captain informed me, and he continued at my curious brow. "He knew we were there and used it as a type of test." Ziah seemed surprised at that. "I've no doubt he was watching us to see what we would do with what we heard."

"I know more than anyone, but I took it by force." Aydalia spoke softly.

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