Chapter 459: Chapter 459

Elincia's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

Using my magic, I flung Arthur's prone form off my sister. Moving to her side, my magic activate as I began to focus on her wounds. Another pair of hands appeared next to me, and I looked up to see Lord Leiflan. Drewes was frowning as he glanced at me for a moment, but I turned to find his wife. She was watching the situation unfold.

"Restrain Arthur Pendragon and prepare a seal!" Kheri began shouting.

To my surprise, Greigh was the one who replied. "No seal is going to work on him! He doesn't have magic! We need him to recover enough to become coherent instead of keeping him in this state!" The Captain responded.

Arceana's wounds were healing, and once she had enough energy, my sister leaned up. "Kill him!" Her orders got all the guards to rush the man.

A roar from above got them all to come to an immediate halt. We looked above to see the bear looking down at us as its eyes began to glow as it growled. Gritting my teeth, I shoved Arceana back down and continued to heal her wounds. Placing my hands on her wounds made her gasp in pain.

Greigh kept his sword at the ready. "As am I."

"Stop! Stop this!" Ziah shouted as she moved to them. "You're friends! Just-" She stopped when Floyd appeared over her.

With his leg high in the air, he brought it down hard on the Zugal sergeant. At least, he tried to. Cassidy was there as she brought her own leg up to counter the attack. She defended both Ziah and Arthur. Spinning to dislodge his attack surprised him. Grabbing Floyd's leg, she slammed him onto the ground over by Kheri. She quickly moved in beside Greigh as they stood protectively in front of Arthur.

Floyd quickly got to his feet as we saw Cassidy's body glow. "What did you do to yourself?" Floyd inquired.

"Somethin Ah prepared ta be on the safe side. Ah must admit, ah didn't expect to reveal it here."

"Runes?" I asked, shocked.

Cassidy nodded. "They are." Her attention returned back to Floyd who stepped in beside Kheri. "Although, it looks like Ah'm not the only one with a secret or two. Ya some kind of half breed?"

Floyd didn't respond as everything started to get out of control. The creaking of the mountain got our attention as the light above grew dark. Looking up, we saw the giant creature's head approaching. It was so large that it easy towered over us and could roll over the entire mountain. As it started to come down, I worried about the deaths that would follow. Removing my hands from Arceana, I readied to stop the creature.

That is, until another teleportation went off. However, it was Aydalia, Ayda, and Alwin. Their mother looked awful with all her burns and scars. All of them looked at the scene surprised and obviously concerned. The younger Elves were grabbed by their mother and pulled over to Arthur. Launching a flare into the air to grab the beast's attention, Aydalia waved her arms.

"Kandma!" Aydalia suddenly shouted, which made the giant creature stop its approach. "I will bring Arthur to you!" She announced and the beast huffed in response. "You have my word that I will bring him to you!"

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