Chapter 456: Chapter 456

Elincia's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

He nodded a few times slowly as if confirming his own words. "Yes." Arthur said before he looked up at the sky. "You have hurt me..." After a moment, his gaze returned to my sister. "I'm not here to condemn you." The man informed her indifferently. "I'm not here to scold you nor forgive you."

There was a finality in his tone. "Arth-" I tried, but my mouth clamped shut.

One of his hands reached up to Arceana and turned her head to face all of us. She trembled as he stood there, right behind her. He then gestured to all of us, but when he did, I saw his hands were changing. My eyes widened as his fingers started to turn blue like the lines going down his face and neck.

Drewes, Luthi, and several others were unsure how to proceed. Moving brashly in this situation could be fatal. Kheri shook as her complexion paled, her hands shaking terribly at her sides. Cassidy took a step forward, shuffling slowly, but stopped when Arthur's gaze drifted to her. The lines on his face widened making her pause even more.

"You took her from me." A woman's voice came from Arthur on top of his own usual voice. "She's dead because of you." With the chirping, it sounded like two people and a beast were speaking. "So, I have come to collect..." Arthur looked out to us. "But I am not without a heart. Take a moment to say your goodbyes." He then gestured to me. "To your sister," Then, he proceeded to turn to Typhon. "And your son."

"Something is happening to you, Arthur." I told him. "Is this your choice or someone else's?"

His eyes closed slowly before he exhaled. "No more stalling." He stated. "No more talking." Arthur opened his eyes as he looked down at my sister on the ground. "Do you have nothing to say to your sister? To Typhon?" She didn't reply. "So be it..."

Arthur hefted his sword up above his head. I watched as his eyes glowed more fiercely than I'd ever seen. The man many worshipped as a hero became no more than an executioner. However, a teleportation went off behind him, and he instantly turned with such viciousness that I thought whoever it was, was sure to be killed.

"Floyd." Arthur greeted evenly.

"Arthur." Floyd greeted back.

"How did you get behind me, Floyd?" Arthur asked.

Floyd's eyes looked down at Arceana. "Why are you standing over the Priestess, Arthur?"

Instead of responding, Floyd was sent sprawling across the courtyard as he was pushed by an invisible force. No doubt from Arthur's handiwork. Without any warning, the Guardian Knight of Lestrania turned back to Arceana. Once more, he raised his sword, but there was no pause this time. He brought it down, and I turned away from the scene as my heart sank.

Many shouted out in horror, and gasps rang out. In the wind was pink hair that fluttered across the ground. My legs gave out as tears ran down my cheeks. Reaching out, I picked some of it up, but my hands had no strength in them, and the pink strands flew from my fingers.

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