Chapter 455: Chapter 455

Elincia's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

"This is getting us nowhere!" Kheri yelled. "Given the situation and seeing as how neither of you can compose yourselves, I will be taking command." She then looked to Greigh. "Take Ziah and scout whatever that creature is that is approaching."

I kept my gaze on Arceana as the Captain replied. "Ziah and I can look into it, but there's nothing we can do against a creature that size. Shouldn't we start evacuating Helmsforth?" He suggested.

Typhon responded. "And go where? Would it even be possible to outrun something so large? The Zugal would be fine fleeing, but the Humans and most Elves would be at a loss."

Drewes agreed with him. "Young Lord Delmaris is right. Seeing what the beast wants would be the best idea, and we will deal with things should they go awry." Then he gestured to the storm. "Although, I am at a loss for those clouds." He continued in a more disheartened tone. "Even more so about that magical power pulsating throughout the sky."

Typhon, bless his soul, answered. "Do you feel comfortable entering his portal in this situation?"

"Not really, no." The redhead admitted.

My eyes shot up to the clouds that rumbled as lightning began to shoot out more erratically. Many also saw it, and the thunder that followed unnerved me. Slowly, we shuffled away from the portal. Kheri moved in front of me as I saw her trembling in fear. Some others were concerned, but the Zugal General looked terrified.

She held up one of her hands as she spoke. "Everyone move away from the portal." Kheri ordered as she kept her eyes on it. "Elincia," Her use of my name without my title grabbed my attention as she turned to me. "You need to lea-" I watched as her eyes widened.

Shoving me to the side, my head snapped to where she was looking. Arceana was unaware of it, but Arthur was standing right behind her. However, he looked very off. Blue lines were etched into his skin and ran down his cheeks and neck. They even split off to the sides toward his ears. His face held no expression as his eyes were focused on my sister, who had no idea he was there.

"Cea!!!" I called out to her in terror.

At my cry, everyone turned around, including my sister. She was unable to move. Whether it was from the intensity coming from Arthur or because Arthur was holding her in place via invisible force, I was unsure. Kheri was stopped midstride as she froze in place. I tried to activate my magic, but it wouldn't work. Lightning struck the area around us, and all of us flinched.

Arthur eventually spoke as his eyes never left Arceana. "You hurt me." He claimed with a chirping in his voice.

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