Chapter 457: Chapter 457

Elincia's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

"Arthur!" Cassidy shouted. "Arthur, stop! Stop!!!" Her tone was desperate. "Ah can't let ya kill the Priestess!"

My head whipped up at that, and I saw Cassidy had pulled my sister's ankle right as Arthur struck. Her hair was cut short, but she was still very much alive. Getting to my knees shakily, my magic ignited in my hands. Wrapping around Arceana and Cassidy, they floated away from Arthur. Only for a moment before my hold on them broke as he overpowered the entire area with a wave of energy.

"Let me?" Arthur repeated, confused.

"Unhand my sister, Arthur." I told him in a firm tone before I took Sergeant Ziah's sword from her. "Or are you willing to kill me too?"

A chill ran down my neck at his look. "Yes."

Without further warning, a horrible screech in the woman's voice rang out as the lines expanded even further. His fingers blue tint spread up his hands, and his wrists started to turn black. It was disturbing to witness whatever was happening to the man. The loud thumping was getting closer and closer, which was alarming, but Arthur paid it no mind.

"He did."

"And ya just don't care about that anymore?!"

"I don't." Arthur answered. "None of you can run." He told everyone in the courtyard. "I've avoided killing any of you out of respect for our relationships but look." The man gestured toward the giant creature that was closing in. "When Kandma arrives, she could easily destroy this entire mountain." Arthur's voice seemed to be fading more and more as the woman's became more prominent. "Give her to me, and I'll leave."

Cassidy took a fighting stance. "Ah can't do that. Ya need help, Arthur."

A smaller portal than normal opened between the two. The redhead instantly backed away, but Arthur thrust his sword into it as he screeched once more in a woman's voice. Even the chirping was becoming more prominent. Arceana jolted next to me, and I looked at her in concern.

Her eyes moved to mine as she seemed to go stiff. Blood came from her lips as she looked down, and I followed her. Arthur's sword was sticking out of her stomach. A familiar portal was right behind her. The two points of the sword withdrew from her as he pulled his weapon back, and the portal closed. Everyone began to panic as we all took our eyes off Arthur.

When we turned to her, no one was prepared to be pushed away from her and restrained on the ground. Arceana lay there bleeding out on the ground as we could only watch as Arthur approached. Trying to push to my hands and knees was fruitless as Arthur's invisible force pushed down so hard it felt like my bones were breaking.

Sergeant Ziah began to cry out in pain, and even several of the surrounding guards did the same. Typhon was grunting as he was somehow able to climb to his feet. It was only a moment before he was sent back into the stone. Cracks shot out beneath his body as he cried out in frustration. We watched as Arthur came to a stop next to Arceana, who was struggling to breathe as she coughed up blood.

"It didn't have to be like this, but I suppose this is more fitting." He stated. "Lucia suffered far more than this."

"Arthur! Don't!" Cassidy called out to him in a strained tone.

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