Chapter 454: Chapter 454

Elincia's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

We were all caught unaware. Whatever Arthur was up to, it was concerning. First, we received reports something was in the Hollow Forest. Not overly surprising, given the forest in general. It wasn't until he informed us that he could see it on the horizon from miles away did most of us head outside to analyze the situation.

Never before had I been as uncomfortable about Helmsforth's positioning in Lestrania as I was now. The capital was put here to help keep an eye on the forest. Although, seeing some manner of creature that towered over all the hundred foot trees slowly walk over to us from miles away... It was a little disconcerting. Especially as it got closer and closer. Truly something of enormity that appeared to be bigger than Helmsforth combined.

If that wasn't alarming enough, there was a massive magical spike in the west. The only person that I could think of that would be in the west was Arthur. Things got worse as it only seemed to grow as time passed and was so potent that even Humans and Zugal could sense it.

"Does anyone else feel that?" Ziah inquired to her little group.

A guard moved to escort the young Elf to the medical wing as I shook my head. "What!?" My sister snapped at me. "Is there something you want to say!?"

"Oh, there are plenty of things I'd like to say, sister." I replied coldly. "But first, we need to deal with all this!" Gesturing to the blue clouds approaching along with the beast from the forest, I rubbed my face, exasperated. "I told you he was sensitive about Lucia! He even warned you, and you still sent her along too!"

"She could have easily declined!"

"It was the first time she would see Lestrania's land without being on an airship! Do you really think she would ever decline such an offer!?" Then I moved to her as I gestured to her angrily. "You knew she would accept, and you knew it was dangerous!"

We began to truly argue as Arceana gestured back to me. "So, you wanted me to leave Helmsforth undefended?!" Placing a hand on her chest, she continued. "I apologize for not putting myself at risk against an unknown enemy! Maybe they should have scouted correctly instead of-"

Slapping her across her cheek, she went silent as her eyes widened in shock. "How could any of them done anything correctly? Alwin was in charge, and his men knew what he was going through. What practical decision-making skills do you expect showcased from someone who is not in the right mindset to scout our own territory?"

Kheri moved between us as my sister turned her head back to me with a glare. "This isn't the time for this. We need to move both of you to a safe location-"

"Where!?" I cut her off. "Where do you plan on moving us, General Kheri!?" My demanding tone startled the Zugal. "After everything, you saw in the east, do you really think we can avoid Arthur?" Then I pointed out to the distance once more, where the clouds drew nearer. "Whatever this is, it's far beyond anything any of us could hope to deal with."

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