Chapter 453: Chapter 453

????'s Point of View

Northern Kingdoms

"Do you think something happened?" Pestilence asked his brother.

Credo just looked at him, annoyed. "No. I'm sure everything is going perfectly. For whatever reason, Arthur suddenly appeared in the west near The Veil is likely unrelated to the strange blue haze made up of his energy."

The bandaged demon looked between his brother and the surrounding haze a few times. "I mean, if you say so. Arthur seems pretty upset to me. This is more magic he's released than any other time I've seen him or felt him fight."

The horned demon shook his head and sighed as his sarcasm was ignored. "Whatever it is, I have no desire to investigate."

"We could, though. We're not that far away." Pestilence replied.

Then he turned to me. "Which I'm going to assume we're going to leave this alone." He gestured all around to Mordred's energy as he continued. "You can't be considering-"

I cut him off as I sat there. "What do you think would upset the man so much he would use such a vast amount of his-" A piercing sensation through my chest left me unable to respond as I fell from my seat.

"What the-" Both the demon brothers moved to my side. "Are you okay!?" Credo inquired as he looked over me.

Gasping for air, I clutched at my chest in pain. "It-" I couldn't continue.

"I've no clue, my King. Maybe he is trying to locate us?" I offered.

"Has there been some change in his allegiance to those putrid Priestesses?"

I shook my head. "Doubtful. Shall I go look?"

However, as I asked the question, whatever the King felt suddenly invaded the entire chamber. My blood ran cold at the sheer pressure being put out. Even the other Dragons felt it. Our King looked up with narrowed eyes as a stream of steam exhaled from his nose.

"Keep everyone off the surface. Call our sentries back. Arthur Pendragon isn't anywhere near us." He ordered as a few Dragons moved through the chamber before he moved to sit back on his throne. "Alert all others to be on high alert. Whatever has the man worked up, I want to keep away from our lands."

My eyes drifted upwards as I wondered what could've possibly happened.

Sherry's Point of View

The Rainy Helm

Many were gathered in the streets as the ground shook. All were concerned as they whispered about. Some had run through the streets, saying that a giant beast was approaching from the Hollow Forest. It was a little worrying, but no guard forces had been sent out yet. I had faith everything would be okay with the Priestess watching over us.

However, my eyes moved to Floyd when I heard him whisper. "Beautiful." He was looking up, so I followed his gaze.

Blue clouds moved over us, which reminded me of Sir Arthur's eyes. Even the bolts of lightning that shot through them bore his likeness. My brow raised as I looked back down at Floyd, who wore a rather wide and disturbing smile. It wasn't until I looked into his eyes that a shiver ran through me. His eyes were pink.

"Floyd?" I called out to him.

After blinking, it seemed to disappear, so I thought I was just seeing things. "Yeah?" He asked back normally.

I bit my lip for a moment before looking back up at the clouds. "Do you think this has something to do with Arthur? Wasn't he supposed to be in Vithari?" There was no response. "Floyd?" My calls were heard by customers since Floyd was nowhere to be found when I looked back down. "Floyd!?"

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