Chapter 402: Chapter 402

Thana's Point of View

Unknown Location

The pull vanished as I stood in my throne room, now even more ruined than before. Breathing heavily from the short interaction, my eyes moved to my shadow where Tor was resting. After a moment of thought, curiosity filled me as my gaze shifted to where the portal once was. Then it turned to where the beam of light cut through. Far past the castle walls and into the wastes, it cut into the land.

My boney fingertips clicked together in thought as my skin started to return. "Why was he so confident?" I pondered out loud. "What changed?"

"My Queen!" Flare was the first to arrive. "What happened?!" He moved closer to me as he inspected me.

Glaring at him got him to back away for the moment and shut his mouth, but I knew word would spread. Only two would be so bold to attack the heart of The Crimson Wasteland. One was chased off, and Tor led the other one back here. Breeders and slaves alike would hear about this. However, it was interesting that not a single Demon Lord was present.

Did I have more traitors amongst my own forces? "Where were you?" I asked Flare.

He seemed surprised, but he quickly answered. "Watching the training program for Drevas." Flare explained. "It's always amusing to watch him slaughter those children."

"That doesn't matter at the moment." Another female voice cut in. "I need to know what this orb is and what that magic it put out was."

"Huh?" My words came out slurred.

The first voice picked up once more, as did the rattling of chains. "Mother, she is coming to."

A sigh escaped her lips as my vision started to clear. "Then perhaps we should ask her directly. If she's coherent enough, that is."

Blinking rapidly, I started to get the feeling back in my limbs as I found it almost impossible to move. My arms and legs could shake, but they were restrained. Especially my hands. Each finger was extended fully and unable to bend. They felt like they were encased entirely. As my vision cleared, I looked up around and saw I was suspended in the air by the chains I had heard prior. Even my neck was restrained as I was parallel with the ceiling, which was almost all I could see.

"What's happening?" I asked, confused before realization dawned on me, and panic began to set in. "Alwin? Alwin!?" I called out for him, but there was no answer.

"Shh, shh, shh, shh." I heard in rapid succession as the woman from before appeared beside me. "There's no need for any of that, Lucia."

My eyes widened as my body began to tremble, as I realized more and more what was happening. "Who are you!?" The woman who looked similar to Arceana appeared at my side with a smirk on her face. "Arce-"

Black hair, black lips, brown eyes, and a rather scrawny frame greeted me. If these features were altered, she would look almost exactly like the Priestess. It was haunting in a way. Yet, there was a grace about her, even in her very rugged outfit.

Rolling her eyes, she covered my mouth. "I already told you no." Then she shook her head exasperatedly. "You don't listen, do you?" Removing her hand, she eventually tapped my nose with that same smirk. "Lucia..." She said softly. "I've been wanting to see you for a very long time."

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