Chapter 401: Chapter 401

Thana's Point of View

Unknown Location

I had moved to the laboratory unaware of what was about to happen. Going over projects, how to move forward from here, and what to focus. All of it came to a grinding halt. My castle, these people, and this kingdom were all decrepit things. Ruined things, places, and individuals, but this is where my salvation lied. All replaceable, yet, vital in the grand scheme.

So, when a wave of horrid magic washed over the entire area, my eyes widened in surprise. As I sat there wide-eyed, the sounds of screams could be heard along with untold destruction. Part of me was so surprised that I was frozen in place. After all, no one had invaded the Crimson Wasteland since myself...

"What in the-" I was cut off as blinding light slammed through the wall.

"Do you really think you stand a chance here?" I asked him as I readied my spear while I could see my own bones. "You dare challenge me in my place of power? What will you do when my Generals arrive? They are already on the way."

I could see the delight from his eyes alone as he replied. "Good."

It was a chilling and sobering response. Not wanting a repeat of the past, I acted. The possibility of him using such an attack like last time could ruin everything... Especially here in the heart of my kingdom chilled me to my core. Preparing my mist as it swirled around my spear, my hands twitched as he kept his gaze focused solely on me.

His free hand clenched as he stayed stuck in the portal to keep it open. "Stay where you belong, Thana." He warned as a black orb appeared in his hand and it began to grow. "Out of Lestrania, and out of my way."

Launching the orb forward, I responded in kind as I thrust my spear at his chest as I rushed him. He brought both his arms down to block the attack as my spear met some manner of invisible resistance. Just like it did in the past when I faced him. Cracks appeared in the air as I pushed him back through the portal, but his orb remained. The portal closed instantly as my mist moved to cover the orb. It didn't work.

"What?" I said breathlessly as all my mist was absorbed by the orb in question.

In fact, the pull got stronger as I felt it intensify for a moment before it expanded violently and rapidly. Almost like a gust of wind slammed into me from behind while I was being pulled toward it, the room started to collapse in on itself. However, as quickly as it started, it just as swiftly disappeared.

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