Chapter 403: Chapter 403

Lucia's Point of View

Unknown Location

"You see, I was the one who ordered your capture all those months ago. The General wasn't much of an issue." She began. "Most magic users are easy to deal with if you can surprise them good enough. Hence why the ambush." Her tone was smug as she kept her smirk on her lips. "He couldn't really react appropriately in time, could he?"

"What do you want?" My voice was shaky.

Her expression turned a little more serious but still had a mischievousness to it. "A few things, if I'm completely honest." She leaned against the chains on my arm, which pulled it tighter and made me wince. "Who is this 'Arthur Pendragon' that prevented your capture last time? How does he know about me?"

"So, you kidnapped me because I also look like Arceana?"

Walking around and under the chains, I felt her run her fingers through my hair. "You see, I was so alone for so long. With no one and nothing to call my own. Yet, when I saw a portrait of Arceana, it dawned on me that I was almost staring at a carbon copy." Then she leaned over me from above. "Do you think we could be related? Am I some bastard child she threw away? What about you? Are you hers? It was never announced, so I'm curious about what you have to say."

My lips trembled as I felt her hands making their way to my cheeks. "I-I-I"

The tip of her middle finger began tracing my lips ever so gently. "You-you-you, what?" She mockingly copied me. "Come now, surely you're not trying to tell me that you never once looked into it yourself? You were so close to her, and you look so similar." Moving to the other side of where she started, I kept my eyes on her but could do nothing as her hand slammed over my mouth. "You," She began to squeeze my cheeks painfully as I cried out in pain. "Why did she keep you?"

A blue glimmer suddenly appeared once more from the orb, and the Arceana lookalike instantly snapped her head toward it. Even I looked down as it once again started to glow. Much like before, it vibrated with growing intensity. It began to float into the air and give outbursts of energy, which made several cry out in surprise.

However, as quickly as it came, it disappeared. "Such an interesting trinket." I heard her comment as she disappeared from view with the orb in hand.

"Listen to me," I began earnestly. "You need to let us go! Once Arthur finds out about this, he'll find us."

"Arthur Pendragon. Truly a most interesting man. Especially compared to your Elven lover." She immediately replied, and I felt my eyes widen at her remark. "Yes, I know about the two of you. Both of you coming out was truly a boon."

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