Chapter 391: Chapter 391

Arthur's Point of View

Dwardew Palace

Sitting in the armchair, my body relaxed as I leaned back with my eyes closed. "Sir?" Harlow called out.

"Just a minute," I told him. "That's all I need." A few moments of silence went by.

"Arthur?" Typhon called out after a moment.

"Moments over." I mumbled with a sigh and opened my eyes. "Yeah?"

My student looked worried. "Are you okay?"

I gave him a tired nod. "Yeah. Just a little tired. It's been a rough few days." Then I held my chest as it pounded randomly. "That poison was more difficult to deal with than I thought as well, but it doesn't appear to be too serious." Soon, my eyes focused on his wound. "What about you?"

H0lding up his forearm and showing the bloodied bandage, he sighed. "I'm alright, thanks to Kheri." The boy went quiet for a moment. "You were right. I should have kept a level head."

"I'm sorry. I'll do better next time." My student told me.

With a nod, my arms fell to my side as I stood. "See that you do." Placing a hand on his head, I ruffled his hair slightly. "That being said, hold your head high." I playfully and lightly punched his chin. "Not many would've jumped into such a fight against an opponent stronger than themselves."

"You do it all the time."

"Yeah, and it comes with its own problems, but as the strongest person here, I don't have a choice. The difference is, you're not the strongest yet."

He then looked at me with a smirk. "Yet?" Ty repeated.

I nodded with a small smirk. "Yet." I confirmed.

I moved away from him but stopped as he spoke up. "Arthur!" There was urgency in his voice, and I looked at him as he seemed unsure. "There's something I'd like to ask you."


"That Ghoul said something that stuck out to me." Ty started.

"Be careful with believing what the enemy might say, Ty. You never know if they're just trying to fuck with you even on their deathbed."

Shaking his head, my student continued. "This was before he was losing. He said I was your newest student and was ordered to specifically kill me." My eyes widened slightly at that. "Then he said that he was going to give me to her after he compared me to the Dragon King." Then he looked me in the eyes. "What did he mean by 'newest student.'"

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