Chapter 390: Chapter 390

Ventari's Point of View

Dwardew Palace

Kheri had entered the room, but I paid her no mind. That is, I felt a nudge on my arm, and I turned to Lady Turiel, who was looking up. Her face seemed frozen over for a moment before I followed her gaze. Much like the Druid beside me, my breath caught in my throat.

Arthur's eyes were locked on us. Both of us quickly realized what we were doing and slowly stood. The look he gave us unnerved me. There was almost a shimmer that his eyes would emit. Breaking from my trance, I looked around and saw many were looking at Lady Turiel and I. They were confused as they tried to figure out what had happened. Biting my lip, Lady Turiel gave a more restrained bow.

"Apologies, Sir." She said softly. "We only met to convey our thanks. Our people have survived because of you." To quickly take the attention from him, Turiel faced me. "However, I cannot deny that the Dwarves sheltered us when we had nowhere else to go. Thank you, Queen Ventari."

"Of course." I told her and gave a small nod toward Arthur. "Although, I also agree that Sir Arthur was the main contributor to our victory. Without him-"

Lady Turiel agreed with me. "My Druids will move to start preparing for the injured. However, many of us are exhausted. We might not be able to provide the care that you hope for."

Kheri crossed her arms as she seemed suspicious of us. "Neither will our Elves, but we will help where we can."

"As long as we can help those in need of critical aid, we can postpone more minor injuries until the Druids and Elves have had time to recover their magic." Arthur pointed out. "Dwardew is in ruins. Set up a few food lines as well near the recovery zones. Check our water supply as well. The survivors will need these to move forward."

"My son and General Dwar are likely already working on it." I told him.

"Good." Leaning forward, he sighed as he put his elbows on his knees. "Once that is done, we will focus on burying the dead." His gaze drifted outside. "Not that you have a place to bury them anymore..."

I looked down at that as I grit my teeth. "That's true. However, we have the chance to do so because of you. We won't waste that."

He nodded. "See that you don't. Once things have settled down, we'll talk." Arthur then addressed his people. "I will stay here with Elincia until she wakes up with Typhon and Harlow." We moved to leave, but Sir Arthur called out to me specifically. "Ventari," Freezing at his tone, I turned back to him slowly. "I hope you remember what I told you."

Knowing what he was referring to, I nodded slowly. "Of course." We all left to begin the recovery process.

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