Chapter 392: Chapter 392

Arthur's Point of View

Dwardew Palace

What the fuck do you say to that? "Did you have other students?" My newest protégé inquired.

"Young Typhon." I heard Harlow call softly.

It didn't stop him. "Where are they?" He continued. "Why did the Demon Queen know about them and that Ghoul?"

"Typhon." Harlow again.

"What are they doing? Surely they'd be a huge help if they were trained by you." A smile came to his lips. "I'd love to talk to them! Maybe I could compare myself to where they were at my age!" The excitement in his eyes only gave me more of a hollow feeling in my chest. "How many students have you had? Do I know any of them?"

Leaning back into the chair, I wondered why I was acting this way. I'm not normally this emotional. Normally I would've ignored Ty's questions altogether, but I overreacted. Now I'm here with Harlow, who looked at me in a curious manner. He seems a little uncomfortable overall, and I actually feel a little bad about it.

With a sigh, I rubbed my fingers across my forehead in thought and annoyance. "I don't know. Would you believe me if I said I was a Human?" I asked him. "Would you believe me if I said I was a God or a Demon?"

"I don't know." Allen Harlow answered honestly.

"Neither do I." Then I gestured to the door as I continued. "The Dwarves were mumbling on about me being a God. Others call me a hero, and some call me a Demon." I scoffed at the thought. "The truth is, I'm just me."

"Why are you telling me this now?"

"Because you saw my form. That, and Elincia and Kheri were discussing how to punish you for listening to me over them before all this started. I'd like to work with you in the future." I told him, and he seemed surprised.

He quirked a brow at that, but he didn't seem too surprised about the supposed punishment from on high. "You have another mission after this?"

I shook my head. "Another project similar to the one I started in Helmsforth, but on a far greater scale. I'm planning on skipping eras and revolutionizing ideas that might come with it. This world has been too stale for too long, and I don't have the time to gently proceed forward."

"Then what was the point of your project in Helmsforth if you were gonna do this instead?"

"It was a test." I told him honestly. "I need you and your men." Then I pointed at him. "If the one heading this project knows about me, then I will be more at ease." He seemed lost in thought. "Of course, that also comes with other knowledge that you will need and other things that will need to be revealed if you agree."

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