Chapter 389: Chapter 389

Thana's Point of View

Unknown Location

Tor had reported to my forces as I went to the lab where I created my Wraith. Even if it was enough to get that damned Arthur to lower his guard, it would have been worth it. Now, all we needed to do was wait. Not even I would be able to survive against such poisoning. After thousands of years of holding onto that boon from Obsidian, it has finally aided me. I am glad I waited to use it. Even if it was a huge risk giving it to a mere Ghoul.

However, as I saw in my lab, I couldn't help but feel anxious. "Why was he so confident?" My mumbles were met with no response.

Arguing started to break out, but they quickly went quiet as my mist started to fill the room. Many backed away slightly before they turned back to me. Cowing a room full of powerful Demons was nothing new, but it did get old. No matter how many I make, it never seems to be enough, and some do get a little too haughty for their own good. Wisps moved around the necks of a few while others merely were caressed on their cheeks.

"It doesn't matter. Stay away from Arthur's immediate proximity. Send a few to Lestrania and even the East. Instruct them to keep their eyes and ears open." I ordered. "We know that Arthur Pendragon is powerful. What worries me is that he isn't any known race..."

"Does that matter?" Flare inquired. "Even if he is some sort of unidentified race, he still struggles with most Demon Lords."

"You say that, but he soundly defeated the Wraith I sent. While it may have been a new experiment, its power was real. Given its abilities, at one point, it was likely stronger than even me." That got frowns out of my Demons. "He was able to critically wound me, Tor was forced to flee twice, and he fended off not only the traitors Pestilence and Credo but also Flare and Sulva once they arrived." Crossing my arms as I felt my muscles tighten and my teeth grit, I continued. "That's after he forcibly removed the Demon implanted in Elincia and was forced to keep several Demon Lords at bay."

Moving to my throne, I sat down and stared at them for a moment as they kept silent. I leaned to the side as I rested my elbow on the armrest. My hand moved to my forehead as I tried to think of what to do. How could we proceed without risking too much?

As my fingers moved back and forth across my forehead in thought, my Demons watched me. "We cannot risk another confrontation. Not with everything that has happened. If we do, we risk everything we have spent the last two thousand years rebuilding." Caressing my lower lip with my finger, I spoke. "Too many unknowns continue to hinder us. We must deal with them individually or pit them against each other."

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