Chapter 207: Chapter 207

Arthur's Point of View

The Island

"Move those fuckin feet!" I shouted as Ty shot off running down the beach, and I watched from the side. "As fast as you can! No slowing down! Let's go!"

We were back at it. Ty was doing a new routine today since he informed me he wasn't too sore. For his sake, I hoped he was telling the truth. If not, tomorrow was going to be a bitch for him. Maybe even later on today. By no means was I taking it easy on him. Although, if he truly recovered that fast, I would need to get extremely creative with his training going forward.

A magic signature was approaching me from behind, and I ignored it until she kicked some sand on my legs. "Come to watch again?" I inquired.

"Not quite, but it is good ta see Typhon seems ta be doin alright." Cassidy stated as she stepped next to me. "Ah wanted ta talk ta ya."

"About last night."

She paused and seemed conflicted. "Yes and no."

I quickly shouted to Ty. "Start over again! Repetition is important! Do the moves I showed you and don't get sloppy!" Gesturing to her, I gave her the go ahead. "Explain."

"Ah'm not one ta involve myself in personal matters, but Ah keep doin it. When it comes ta you, anyway." She explained. "Ah also like people keepin their own privacy..."

I ran my tongue between my bottom lip and teeth. "Because I have plans involving him once this war is over."

Cassidy sighed. "There is no war, Arthur. Maybe soon, but we aren't at war yet."

"The fact that that's how you think concerns me, but that seems to be how the majority of those with power think here." My blood began to boil as my mind flashed back to the battles of old. "Lestrania is a target. There is no doubt about it. However, what I'm curious about is why it's still standing... Even Tor should've been able to..."


My eyes darted to her. "A powerful Demon that I chased off. Something that I am thankful for every day since I could've lost that fight." Scratching my beard, I continued. "But the fact remains that he alone could topple Lestrania, and I doubt many other places could fend him off. Something is keeping the Demon Armies at bay, and I want to know what."

The redhead seemed unsure of how to answer. "Ya been thinking about this a lot?"

I nodded. "It tends to be important when the Lestranian Capital is a giant target. Although, I have an idea as to why it's been left alone." Shrugging, I finished with, "Not that it matters anymore since I'm here."

Unless Thana, Tor, and whoever else all come for us at the same time.

"Ah'm sorry Ah brought this up. Ah know ya want ta relax."

"I don't get nice things, so don't worry about it."

She shrugged. "Alrighty then. What was the Priestess talking about last night? Parasites and Demonic Magic don't sound too good ta me."

Snorting amused, I replied. "That's cause they aren't. You want to know more, ask your teacher." My attention quickly whipped back to Ty. "I sure hope you can swim because you're gonna learn real quick if you can't!" I shouted and started moving towards him. "We can continue this later." With that, I left her behind with a small frown.

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