Chapter 206: Chapter 206

Elincia's Point of View

The Island

Nighttime was upon us, and I had stopped by our Knight's abode only to find it barren. "He aint here." Cassidy's voice called out from the side.

"Do you know where he is?" I inquired.

She shrugged. "Ah was about ta go lookin for him. Typhon told me he was out on the beach. Alone."

My brows furrowed at that. "Alone? Why would he be alone right now?"

"Ah've no idea, but Ah did want ta talk ta him. May Ah tag along, Priestess?"

"Of course, Cassidy." Walking by her, she fell in at my side. "Your training is progressing well, but I heard Sir Arthur's training is almost barbaric."

"Ah don't think that's true. Typhon might be sore, but he held in there and didn't collapse. If anythin, Ah'd say Arthur knew exactly what he was doin. Almost like he'd done it before."

"That is something to consider then. I also heard a rumor that he was knocked from the battlements by someone." I commented, and she became quiet, so I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye. "Is there anything you wish to tell me?"

He went silent again before turning to me. "You were just a little girl when I first saw you." Arthur said with so little emotion it almost disturbed me. "I also failed a long time ago which is why we're in this mess." Standing, he brushed himself off before he stared at me. "Even without asking for help, I would've done so to make things right."

My eyes darted back and forth between his as I was so confused. "I do not understand, Art-"

"That doesn't surprise me, but I'm not going to answer your questions, Elincia. I've already agreed to help you and let's leave it at that. Please..."

This was so different from most of my interactions with Arthur that it unnerved me. My thoughts seemed to become a haze as I tried to contemplate his words. There were no memories of Arthur Pendragon that I had as a little girl. Naturally, I wanted to press the issue, but this didn't seem like the best time to antagonize him.

"Very well." I said slowly after a moment. "Then what is this I heard about Typhon-"

"Stop." He held up a hand in front of me. "We're not going to get into this either. Question my training somewhere else with someone who isn't me."

My mouth closed after a moment and I frowned at him. "Typhon is very dear to me and I do not like hearing about torturous training methods."

His hands fell to his side before he groaned and walked around me. "What did I just say?" He asked rhetorically more to himself than me and ignored me entirely before his gaze settled on Cassidy. "Did you need me for something?"

Turning my gaze to Arthur for a moment, it eventually landed on my student who was looking at me. "Ya know what," She began as she held up her hands and turned around. "Ah think Ah'm good. We'll chat later. Night y'all."


"That sounds like a wonderful idea." He quickly said and turned back to me. "Good night, Priestess." A portal of his quickly opened and he was gone.

Sighing as he left, I sat down where Arthur's imprint still was. "Why is all of this happening now?" I mumbled to myself.

Bringing my hands up to my head, I retreated into myself as his words echoed through my head. Yet, despite how much I searched, no answers came to me. There wasn't even a hint of Arthur being in my memories. There were times his help would've been immeasurable, but I don't get nice things. A family that turns on each other over and over again is a cycle I wish to break...

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