Chapter 208: Chapter 208

Arthur's Point of View

The Island

"So, why am I doing this!?" Ty shouted from the water as I floated above him.

"Because you've had a very sheltered life as far as I know!" I replied as he continued to swim. "You're doing far better than I expected you to."

"I'm not sure if I should take that as a compliment," He said between waves. "Or an insult!"

"It's definitely a compliment." I said as I lowered down to him. "Not many would be able to do all this exercise with only preparing a little more than a week."

Ty moved through another wave before shouting up at me. "Then why am I!?"

Shrugging, I answered. "I'm assuming it's partly because of this island we're on. There's also the fact that you're a young Dragon. Both of which might just be the perfect storm for you." He kept swimming as he was coming close to pulling a full lap around the island. "Stop here!" It was almost disturbing how fast he was.

He began treading water and looked up at me. "What now?" Ty inquired as he worked on catching his breath.

Crouching down on my Gravity Pillar, I smirked. "I want to try something different." I told him and he waited for me to continue. "Do you know how long you can hold your breath?"

Dropping down into the water with him, I popped up as he looked at me, confused. "You want me to hold my breath?"

"Yup!" Diving down, I opened my eyes as I waited for him to join me.

He did so a second later. My vision was certainly clearer than I expected for being underwater, but my eyes weren't normal. Then again, neither were Typhon's. My student looked around in wonder, and I imagine he had no issue seeing at all. Smirking, I started swimming through the water at a slow pace and he followed.

I didn't need to breathe. At least, not that I knew of. It's possible I could hold my breath for hours on end, but as I looked back at Ty, who seemed to be enjoying himself, I figured that might be the case for him. If his lung capacity was as vast as I had been led to believe from all the training he's done with only needing one break, he could likely stay down here for hours.

Ty chuckled at that. "Does that mean I get the rest of our trip to relax?" He asked.

Smirking at that, I gave him a nod. "Sure. Go nuts and have fun." Turning back to Kheri, I spoke. "Let Arceana know you found Typhon and that he's still alive if she's that concerned." She opened her mouth, and I quickly added, "That's an order."

The Zugal General closed her eyes for a moment before she flew off towards the island. "I don't think you should antagonize her or the Priestesses." Ziah commented.

Scoffing, I flippantly replied. "Maybe if Alwin's and Kheri's noses weren't so far up Arceana's and Elincia's ass that they could taste the Priestesses' breakfast before either Priestess, it wouldn't be an issue."

"That's not a mental image I needed."

"But it was one that was necessary." I confirmed. "Ty and I will be in momentarily. We'll meet you on the shore."

"Yes, Sir." Ziah quickly flew off.

My eyes darted to Ty. "You gonna be okay with how I talk?"

He gave me a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"I mean... You know, how I belittle others, including the Priestess."

Ty chuckled at that. "I've heard it said you do the same to everyone. Although, I have been raised not to let such slander go to my head. Words are merely that. Words."

I nodded slowly at that. "That's good to know and a good outlook to have." Jesus, this kid needs to act his age.

My student caught my attention as I saw him looking at the Zugal flying overhead back to the island. "Do you think I'll get wings to fly with?"

"It's possible," I told him. "Not every Dragon gets wings. There are different types of Dragons, from what I've been told. Some live underwater. Others live in lava. Many fly, and others are stuck on the ground." Following his gaze to another Zugal, I saw him watching closely as we floated there. "Who can say what'll happen in the future."

"I really hope I can fly." He said in a hopeful tone. "I'd love to fly through the skies one day with the Priestesses..."

A small smile came to my lips. "You want me to take you flying right now?" His head whipped to me so fast I thought he might've broken his neck and a chuckle escaped my lips. "I'll take that as a yes."

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