Chapter 205: Chapter 205

Arthur's Point of View

The Island

Kheri stood across from me unarmed as I did the same. Not that it mattered. Our little sparing match started, and I already planned to surround myself with Gravity Pillars, so it would end as soon as she charged. The Zugal eyed me very closely as Cassidy and Ty were off to the side.

"Begin!" The redhead finally said, and Kheri launched at me with her wings.

Gravity Pillars quickly formed, but to my surprise, the Zugal quickly diverted her direction. "Oh?" I said softly in a small amount of surprise. "Skittish, General Kheri?"

She landed behind me, and I turned to face her as I continued to stand there. The General picked up a handful of sand and tossed it at me before it immediately launched into the sand below. Her brows shot up in surprise before her eyes shot to mine in confusion.

"How'd you know?" I inquired.

Pointing at my feet, I looked to see pressure on the sand surrounding me. "It's a little obvious."

Conceding the point, I nodded. "I suppose the sand makes it rather blatant." My gaze drifted back to her. "So, do you have a plan on getting around my invisible force, or are you just going to stare at me?" She just stared at me. "Would it make you feel better if I got rid of them?"

Stepping towards the General, she took to the sky again. "They're invisible. I'd have no way of telling if you actually stopped whatever it is you're doing."

Looking at Ty, I gestured to the flyer. "This is what competence looks like. Please learn from this."

The sexual tension has been built. "Kay."

Immediately a Gravity Pillar slammed into her from behind and knocked her out of the sky. Since I didn't actually want to hurt her, I slowed her down with another Gravity Pillar before letting her drop in the sand. She tried to fly of in response, but I quickly surrounded her with more so the General couldn't fly away.

Lowering her to the ground forcefully, I looked to Ty. "Never underestimate your opponent. In this case, the General thought she was more than my match, and couldn't grasp the difference in our abilities." Kheri glared at me for that. "It's better to overestimate someone than the opposite."

Releasing her, she quickly darted behind me and slammed into me, only to bounce off. "Wha-" The General let out in surprise as her ass hit the sand.

I kept talking to Ty. "There are very few people in this world who could actually pose a threat to me, Ty. You will eventually be one of them, but you need to learn when you are outmatched and how to adjust appropriately." Gesturing to Kheri, I continued. "She didn't." Crossing my arms, I looked down at her. "Despite her understanding of battle and her instincts informing her about my trap in the very beginning, she became overconfident from one simple technique and seeing through it."

"How did you do that!?" Kheri shouted.

Holding out my hand to her, she begrudgingly took it. "I want you to punch me as hard as you can." Her eyes widened as I tapped my cheek. "Right here, and don't hold back."

She needed no further prompting, and I raised my energy in response to easily counter the blow. Her hand connected, but my body didn't move, nor did I flinch. However, she did as she brought her hand back in pain and cradled it gently.

"Most times, I will go out of my way to keep myself in a weakened state. Even fighting the General, I kept myself in check. I do this so people," My eyes darted to Cassidy, who looked at the General confused. "Don't hurt themselves when attacking me." Then I bobbed my head back and forth before adding, "Although, there are some people that it wouldn't matter how much I increased my energy. Arceana and Elincia are two that likely could hurt me despite my energy level."

"Did ya have ta use an example?" Cassidy asked as she moved to Kheri's side.

"I'm sure she's fine, but have Ayda or one of the Priestesses take a look at it." I told her with a dismissive wave before looking back to Ty. "As for you, get back to running."

My student did so almost robotically as he couldn't believe I bested Kheri so easily. "Who are you?" The Zugal asked me in a slightly pained voice.

Turning back to the two women, Cassidy looked concerned while Kheri just focused on me. "No one of importance."

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