Chapter 204: Chapter 204

Arthur's Point of View

The Island

"Keep repeating just like that." I said as my bare feet stepped through the sand. "These forms will be very important."

"But why the weights?" Ty asked, huffing.

"You're a Dragon. You might not be able to transform yet, but I was told that even your Human form is supposed to be stronger than average. We're going to be testing that." He finished his set, and I pointed down the beach. "Good! Now start running!"

Ty took off running as the sand kicked up from his feet. I quickly followed with a small smile. We'd made it to the island, where there were several cabins and other homes available for us. Humble abodes resided on the ground and in the trees. The Priestesses' guards were quick to check the area and start setting up rotations.

Being a General, I got my own tree fort, which worked just fine for me. Training was supposed to be put off until tomorrow, but I figured getting Ty back into it would be better. If we were going into battle on an airship, he'd need to be able to adjust immediately. So, here we were on a magical Elven Island.

He came to a stop as he hit my marker after slowing down. "Can I have some water?" Ty inquired.

Elincia was right. "Sure." We'd been at this for hours now, and Ty was holding on rather well given what I was putting him through. "However, as training goes on, there will be times I'll deny you water. I plan on putting you through some very rigorous training, Ty, and some of it will be more survival under certain conditions."

"I can do that." He replied with his hands on his knees as he was hunched over sucking air. "When do we start?"

I smirked. "Not any time soon. You still have no form, and you've been sitting in a palace almost your entire life. The only reason you just took a break is because of this island. Otherwise, you'd probably been done hours ago." Then I gestured to him. "This is what you'll be doing daily with increasing difficulties while we're here."

He quirked a brow at that as he stood with sweat pouring down his body and his eyes closed. "Only here?" Ty inquired. "Should we not keep doing this when we get back?"

"We will. Don't you worry." He opened his eyes and I continued. "I need to push you to know what you can handle. Physically, you're strong, but that's because of your blood. Dragons are powerful beings, Ty, and you're one of them. You've had no training, so this is going to be a bit of catching up for a time."

He nodded in understanding. "I understand. I will differ to your judgment."

Kheri cut in. "Squire is the proper title."

Waving a dismissive hand, I scoffed. "I don't give a shit about him being a Squire. He can have that title, but I wouldn't have taken him if he didn't agree to be my student. That's more important to me."

"Perhaps a demonstration is in order for your student and will give him a chance to rest. After all, it is getting late, and I'm sure he'd appreciate someone's example to follow." The Zugal General suggested.

"You and Cass having a sparing match might not be a bad idea." I commented as I tossed the idea around in my head. "Is that why you two came over here?"

"Actually, I was thinking about having one between you and me." Kheri replied, and I turned to see her studying me.

Cassidy was behind her shaking her head at me to say no. "You and me?" I asked for clarification.

Kheri smirked. "I don't see why not. Two Lestranian Generals locked in combat for Typhon Delmaris and to set an example for him." My arms fell to my side as I looked at her. "Surely you see the merit."

There was no way she was being serious right now. "Kheri." Cassidy chimed in carefully and put a hand on her shoulder. "Can Ah talk ta ya real quick?"

She held up her arm and signaled Cassidy to stop while dislodging her hand. "In a minute." Kheri kept her gaze on me. "What say you?"

"Ty!" I called out, and she smirked as I didn't avert my eyes from hers.

"Yeah!?" He called out after a minute so he could get enough air to shout back.

"Come over here! General Kheri wants to show you a sparring match between me and her!"

Ty began shuffling over, exhausted as her smirk grew. "I'm sure he'll enjoy this."

My eyes shifted to Cassidy for a moment before they returned to the Zugal. "Make sure it's a learning experience, or he's going to be doing this same routine for another couple hours." Her smirk immediately disappeared.

My student moved beside me, covered in sweat. "You want to spar with each other?" He asked me.

"The General thought it would be good for you to watch." Then I looked at him. "She also thinks I'm pushing you too hard and wants to give you a break. Once she's been dealt with, you're going right back to running."

Cassidy sighed and mumbled. "This trip's off ta a great start." She said sarcastically.

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