Chapter 195: Chapter 195

Arthur's Point of View

Hollow Forest

"Sure. Some alarm systems in place would be nice so I can focus on a few of my own things." I replied with a small shrug.

Camoa didn't seem to care too much about Arceana or Elincia. So, I wasn't too worried about her going to either of the Priestesses about what we were doing in here. Ty was also sharp, and I planned to bring up that I didn't want him talking about our training at all. Fingers crossed that everything would work out in my favor.

"Then what about my training?" Ty asked quickly from next to me. "I thought we were out here for me." He pointed out.

"We are." I nodded. "However, I cannot help you until you show that you're able to actual take to my training." Then I gestured to a tree. "You were able to launch a Skeld across the deck with a single blow under strained circumstances. That, in itself, is impressive, but can you topple that tree in the same manner?"

"Uh..." My student's unsure tone and look toward Camoa made her smirk.

Placing a flower in his hair, she gestured to the tree. "I do not worry about every tree that is cut down for firewood, nor am I concerned about the beasts of the forest that knock them down from walking. A tree's life is a beautiful thing and it ending abruptly can be just as beautiful." The Druid stated.

My eyebrows raised at that as I glanced to Typhon. At least he actually thought about how stupid that sounded. Camoa could've taken offense to that, and I didn't even think about that. Maybe having him as my squire will be good for me.

Ty looked up at the Druid and smiled. "Thank you, Camoa!" The boy quickly turned to me. "I won't let you down!"

Tilting her head in a curious manner, she spoke. "Why not rule again? If everything I've heard is true, why do Arceana and Elincia still sit on the throne."

That amused me slightly. "Pure sufferance."

Snorting at that, she pressed further. "What if you were offered the throne? What would you do?"


"As amusing is that is, do you have a real plan for the coming days or are you just fumbling about. Surely you understand my concern as Demons have been appearing in my forest more and more." Then she gestured to me. "Having someone willing to do something about that is more important to me than who rules Lestrania."

We were talking in hushed tones while Typhon became a tree puncher. "I figure my wet face will dissuade anyone from trying to make such a stupid suggestion. That, or a punch to the face. I've no interest in ruling as I've said to both Arceana and Elincia. How you know about that is beyond me but keep it to yourself."

She nodded. "Of course. Who would I tell?"

"I don't know, and I don't care. Keep it to yourself."

Deciding to change the topic, Camoa turned to Typhon. "Do you really expect him to topple such a tree in one blow?"

Crossing my arms, my gaze shifted to Ty. "Possibly. He practically crippled a Skeld, which is not an easy thing to do. Given enough focus and time, Ty should be more than able to do so." Then I shrugged. "This will decide whether or not it will be possible to teach him or not."

"And what of you? Do you not want to start your own training exercises?"

"I suppose I should. There are a few things I've wanted to test given what my abilities focus around."

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