Chapter 196: Chapter 196

Arthur's Point of View

Hollow Forest

"You got a flower that you can stay in contact with or something?"

In response, another flower bloomed in her hand, but was white this time. "Will this do?"

I nodded. "Perfect. Just... Set it down away from you..."

She quirked a brow but did as I said. "Very well." It fluttered to the ground and took root in the soil below. "What do you plan to do?"

Immediately, the flower stood upright before bending to the right, and then evened out again. "I want to see what happens if you use enough gravity that's focused on one central point from every direction."

"Gravity?" She repeated confused.

"Sir Isaac Newton is displeased."

Instantly, I began to do the exact same thing but with me as the focal point. "What're you doing!?" Camoa's concerned tone grabbed Ty's attention.

"Gonna find out what happened to your flower!" I replied simply before I grunted from the force surrounding me. "What's the worst that could happen?"

"You could die!" The Druid said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Fingers crossed. "Doubtful! Like you said, your flower isn't dead." The pillars began to pull away until they formed a perfect sphere, and the light began to bend all around me. "Hopefully, I'll be back in a minute!"

Ty and Camoa could be heard for an instant before everything went silent and I was no longer in the Hollow Forest. You know those paintings of the sky over a still lake or ocean, and it looks like a perfect reflection? This wasn't anything like that. There was no wind, no light, no smell, and no form of touch. I was just floating in a black void.

My mind began to race as I screamed out as memories of the blackhole surfaced. However, it was from my own screams that I was able to center myself. Unlike the void of the blackhole, there was nothing. Here, I could see my arms, body, legs, and I could hear my own voice. It helped me come under control after a bit longer than I'd care to admit.

"Fuckin..." I began before leaning back and floating slightly with my hands on my face. "This was the worst thing that could've happened to me." My big fucking mouth.

Running my hands down my face, I sighed in an exasperated tone as my breathing steadied. The sweat that poured down my face began to dissipate as I noticed something floating in front of me. Camoa's flower. Reaching out and grabbing it tenderly, I twisted its stem back and forth in my fingers.

"I'd appreciate it if you kept this between us." Obviously, the flower didn't respond since I'm not as special as everyone thinks I am. "Also don't mention the fact that I tried talking to you." Letting it go, it floated directly in front of me, and I sighed. "Now we just need to figure out how to get back." I looked around for a moment before my eyes settled on the white flower. "Any ideas?"

The first thing that popped into my head was to do the exact same thing. Surround myself with the gravity pillars and form a perfect sphere around me before increasing the force. Not too surprising, it didn't work as the sphere dropped and I was in the same place with the flower floating just a few feet away.

"Oh no... I fucked up..."

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