Chapter 194: Chapter 194

??????'s Point of View

Unknown Location

"My Queen. Is it ready yet?" Tor inquired.

Sitting in my lab, I was preparing the final touches to my experiment. "Just about. It should be ready within the week."

"Our army has been standing by for weeks now..."


My dismissive response did not sit well with my general. "We're eating through our resources at this point. They've been there squatting waiting for your orders."

"Then they should continue to do so." I replied without looking at him as I continued to work on the experiment. "The Anomaly, or rather, Arthur Pendragon, will come to investigate. I'd rather make sure something is present that might take care of him for us instead of wasting tens of thousands of breeders to his curiosity."

"We have no inclination that he shows any interest in returning to the East."

"When a cat shows no interest in its prey, does the mouse feel safe?" I asked back while I started to pour my mist into the Demon Experiment. "Or would you simply wait to see if the cat will take interest?" There was no response. "Anomaly hates Demons. Of that, I have no doubt. Unfortunately, he is also stronger than he was two thousand years ago. I am too, but I'd rather not risk a direct confrontation at this moment when we're so close."

"And you truly believe this new project of yours can finally defeat him?" Tor asked sarcastically, which made me whip my head toward him with a sharp glare. "Apologies..."

"This experiment will be able to use his own magic against him. With an infusion from me and our lovely prisoner, it should be enough to turn it into a serious combatant." I giggled. "The thought of his own magic being turned against him is always so delightful." Stopping my current course of action, I began to caress its face. "If not, it will turn my army into dust and use them as its new source of power."

"I see."

"His hatred for Demons and the wariness of his own people comes from that experience you lack, child." A familiar voice chimed in.

Typhon smiled. "Camoa!" He greeted with a wave then turned to me. "How did you know she was here?"

"What did I just say about spies?" I asked back.

He shrugged. "I kind of thought you were just paranoid..."

Rolling my eyes at that honest response, I replied. "I'm sure some will say so, but my actions come from experience." I crossed my arms and stood up. "You still speak for the trees?"

She finally emerged from the bushes on the other side of the clearing fully. "They speak to me more than the other way around. It's amazing the topics they hear of and see."

"I can imagine."

"Imagination is not needed here. Facing down the creature of shadows was bold and risky, but you succeeded. It fled back to where it came from and you were able to protect the Priestesses."

It's amazing what you forget when you're in a different world. Spying trees is definitely something I need to remember. The NSA's wet dream.

"Eh, they were a bonus. I'm pretty sure Tor was after me anyway."

Camoa smiled as she stopped next to us. "Of that I am certain. It hunted you before they even appeared. Then again, the Hollow Wolves also hunted you, and yet, you also were victorious. Several were killed and the pack was chased off." She reached out her hand towards me but hesitated at my look. "Not many can battle creatures from the Old World and survive. Fewer still can fight against them and win."

"While normally I'd make some sort of comment about calling me 'Führer', but that just seems in bad taste. Plus, I don't have a mustache."

"I will assume that was a joke in poor taste, and while you may not have a mustache, your beard has certainly grown in." She commented as her hand lowered.

"It was a play on words. Nothing more." I replied with a shrug. "Not that you're not welcome, why're you here? I was just about to start Ty's training."

A flower bloomed in her hand as she placed it on her chest. "I thought perhaps you would like to do you own training. While I do not know what help I may be, I would like to offer, nonetheless. Having a druid here will also help keep the critters of this forest at bay." Then she gave a small, and slow, shrug. "Those that do not stay away, I will be able to warn you about."

There were a few things I'd like to test myself and showing my new student a few things was part of my plan. If he reported on what I was doing, I needed to know as soon as possible. However, at the same time, my powers had done nothing but grow since I got here. Perhaps some experimentation might be a good thing.

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