Chapter 109: Chapter 109

Arthur's Point of View

The Pendragon Estate

Instead, their footsteps got closer, and I just groaned in annoyance. "Guess we're doing this now." Standing up, Greigh and Ziah followed me as we exited my office. "What do you two want?" I asked as we came out to the entranceway where the two Elves were.

Alwin saluted me and answered. "I was informed that you were involved with some business surrounding the Rainy Helm." He began. "My sister and I have come to offer some assistance."

"Assistance?" I repeated.

"The nobles have caught wind of the changes in the Rainy Helm. Many are unhappy that some popular dishes are reserved only for the residents of the lowest rung." Alwin stated.

I gave him a plain look. "You mean The Slums."

Alwin frowned. "While some of the nobility may think that way, I do not. So, I would appreciate it if you kept such speculation to yourself when regarding my morals and ethics."

Quirking a brow at that, a small smirk came to my lips. "So, why are you two here?"

Ayda stepped forward. "As my brother stated, we have come to offer our assistance. The nobles are likely getting ready to take what they want, as they usually do." She then gestured to her brother and herself. "We know the law better than most and would like to help keep them at bay."

All of them turned towards us when they saw us approaching. "Can I help you gentlemen?" I inquired.

"We are here to see the owner of this establishment due to an investigation that has been opened against her." A blonde Elf informed me. "Why the Knight of Lestrania is here is beyond me, but you are not needed." Then he gestured to Sherry. "Should we assume you are the owner of the Rainy Helm?"

Sherry went to respond, but I held my hand up. "Sir, I'm going to have to inquire on what grounds an investigation has been opened against the owner of the Rainy Helm?"

The Noble frowned. "You will refer to me as Count Redwood." He told me in a high and mighty tone.

"As soon as you answer my question about the investigation, Sir." I replied evenly.

Obviously, the Count didn't appreciate my candor. "Perhaps we should take this inside?" He offered. "Business is best done in private, is it not?"

Smirking, I opened the door and gestured for them to come inside. "By all means."

Once inside, the Nobles sat them down at a table before I joined them with Sherry staying by Alwin and Ayda, who watched from the sidelines. The Nobles looked around, likely trying to aid them in whatever it was they were trying to do. Not that it would work. Many frowned in distaste as they finished their quick glance around the tavern.

"So, what investigation has been opened?" I asked again as I sat down at the table across from them."

The Count was clearly the highest-ranking member of Nobility present since he responded. "Unfortunately, Knight or not, you have no reason to be here. We thank you for coming to address this problem, but you best leave this to the Nobles of this land, Sir Knight." What's his face informed me.

Smiling in response, I nodded. "Thank you for your concern. However, Sherry will not be talking to you today. As her business associate and investor, I assure you that I am very much involved."

Smirking, the Count merely pulled out a scroll before placing it on the table. "The scroll before you informs you that the increase in size and expansion of her business is illegal. Her growth of this restaurant has broken the law pertaining to how much space any single establishment is allowed." He then dusted himself off with his magic. "As well as her refusal to disclose the information where she got her new menu items. She is suspected of theft, and it is because of these reasons she is under investigation."

A few chuckles escaped from the lips of the Nobles, but I merely kept my smile. "Then I'm going to have to ask you to leave because none of these laws have been broken."

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