Chapter 110: Chapter 110

Arthur's Point of View

The Rainy Helm

"Preposterous!" The Count slammed his fist on the table and pointed at Sherry. "She has somehow created several new cuisines and added them to her menu all in the time span of a few days. After investigating the finances of this place, it was obvious she did not have the funds for such an expenditure!"

Chuckling at that, I answered. "You're right. She doesn't." The Noble smirked as if he had won. "However, I did. I've entered into a contract with Sherry, and she agreed to a nondisclosure agreement. All those new menu items came from me, and the funds to expand also came from me. Due to the contract she is under, she isn't required to tell you, or even the priestesses, anything."

They obviously didn't like that. "You can't do that! The law-" The blonde began.

Digging into my pocket, I threw a piece of paper at his face as I quickly responded. "Any establishment, business, restaurant, shop, company, or otherwise, that donates over five percent of its earnings to the Town Guard in its designated rung is allowed to expand without limitations." I quoted immediately and pointed at the paper he held. "There is no law that prevents military personnel from aiding in that expansion or says that a Knight cannot enter into private business with any business owner."

The Elf glared at me, as did a few of the others. "Maybe not. However, there are certain standards-" He began, and I cut him off again.

"Let me explain something to you pointy-eared fucks." I began as I sat down and put my feet up on a chair before leaning back. "The Slums, as you call it, are no longer your concern. If I even get a hint of any of you sniffing around here, expect to run into me. You strike a deal; I'll know about it, and if you even think of sabotaging anything, you will be stripped of your titles if it's the last thing I do."

"The Priestesses-" Once again, the blonde opened his mouth.

"If they want to get involved in this, over you lot squabbling at the expansion of a business that is helping fund the Lestranian military, that is a conversation I would be glad to have with both of them." Then I pointed at them. "If they don't tell you to fuck off, then I'll tell them to fuck off before I tell you to do the same."

Elincia was here when I was going over things. She knew and already approved of this deal. The Priestess even went out of her way to inform me of a few loopholes, and I found a few others myself. Even found another way to make sure this place is protected for free.

They all went silent. "Do not think we will forget this!"

Alwin shook his head. "And you technically assaulted them and-"

"Do we have an issue here? Everything I did was well within the confines of the law, or am I wrong?" I asked him.

"No. That does not mean they won't report this." Alwin stated.

"Let them. Who gives a shit?" Then I turned to Sherry. "Do you give a shit?"

She danced around happily. "Not one!" Sherry replied with an excited shout.

Then I pointed at Alwin. "Told you I knew the Lestranian law."

With that out of the way, there was nothing stopping me from reworking the entirety of The Slums in a manner that would reinforce it. A smirk came to my lips as the first step had finally been finished. Getting the Nobles out of the way of my affairs, if even for only a short period of time, would allow me to work without their interruptions and whining.

"That was amazing! You handled them like you knew everything that was going to happen!" Sherry said excitedly as she stood next to Alwin and Ayda. "How did you do that?"

"If I can deal with the Priestesses themselves, I can put a few rowdy Nobles in place." Was my simple retort before looking at Alwin and Ayda. "Thanks for the assist. I'll let you know if I need your help with anything else."

Alwin seemed impressed and irked at the same time. "Thank you." He gestured to the door for Ayda, and he followed her. "One more thing, Arthur."


"Typhon has been requesting to see you if you ever get a chance. As has Lady Lucia."

"I'll keep that in mind. Thank you, Alwin."

Now I just needed to get things ready for the dumbass Noble that was going to try me.

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