Chapter 108: Chapter 108

Arthur's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

A few days had passed, and things were underway in The Slums. Sherry was expanding her business along with overhauling the menu as well as renovating the interior. She was still open, and the new food was bringing in a lot of new business. That meant it was only a matter of time before someone noticed and got involved. What I wanted to know was, who is that someone?

Greigh and Ziah were with me at the estate as we were going over new plans. "Sir, the construction is starting soon and should be completed in a matter of days. The new barracks/offices will be then renovated for a larger force than our previous building." Ziah was looking over the reports as well. "What do you plan on doing with the old quarters, if you don't mind my asking?"

The three of us were in my office located under the main staircase leading up to the second floor. It was about what you would expect. Garish and far more knick-knacks than I needed or wanted, but I had a certain image to keep. I cared for none of it. My desk and the chairs across from me were the only things I really cared about. Wooden desk, wooden chairs, and more. All standard office supplies, but hand-carved to look exquisite.

Sitting at the desk, I was going over papers. "It's going to be turned into storage for all manner of supplies. From what I've seen, there are no emergency locations for supplies, civilians, or something that could be considered a bunker. The old barracks could be used for all three."

"That makes sense." Ziah commented and then asked me a question herself. "How did you get the funds approved for this? The Captain has been trying to move the guard post to the outskirts for years." The Zugal informed me. "The Mayor has always turned him down and said the cost was too high."

"I'm not the Mayor down here, and I don't give a fuck about the Mayor." Then I pointed at them. "Every other rung has nobility ruling at the center and making decisions, but down here, a random person was elected Mayor and given control." Shifting through my papers, I continued. "Why do you think that is?"

"You think the nobility put him there?" Greigh asked back as he put his papers down.

I rolled my eyes. "The fact that they haven't done so already irks me enough, so I'd rather not talk about them." Then I shrugged. "It doesn't matter if they know how much money I have. Money don't mean much to me, but I do know how to put it to good use. We're going to be putting the city of Helmsforth to work even if they don't know it."

The two Zugal exchanged a look. "That sounds like it could create more issues down the road." Greigh commented.

"Don't care." Before I could continue, there was a knocking on my front door, and I groaned. "This is what I hate about this house. It's so far away to even open the door!"

"That's because an estate of this size should have some employees to-" Ziah started, but I cut her off as I leaned back in my chair.

Facing towards the room's doorway, I shouted. "Come in!" Both Zugal winced from how loud I was.

The door opened, and we heard, "Arthur?" A familiar voice called out.

"Who is it?!" I shouted back.

"It's Alwin!" Alwin replied in a raised voice.

"Go away!" Was my immediate response.

Another voice cut in next. "I am also here, Arthur! It's me, Ayda!"

I looked to my two officers with an annoyed expression before I responded again. "Then definitely go away!"

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